Sophia Learning
Sophia: Colons and Dashes
A set of two cartoon videos. The first [5:08] explains colons and how they can be used properly in sentences. The second [3:42] introducing dashes, their usage, and how they can be used to create tone.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Colons and Dashes
This tutorial provides two short slideshows. The first explains the uses of colons with examples of each; it also explains when NOT to use a colon. The second explains the uses of dashes with examples.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The Em Dash
A video lesson explaining the form and function of an Em dash followed by a PowerPoint providing several examples of Em dash usage. [2:48]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The en Dash
A video lesson introducing the En dash and explaining its usage. [1:49]
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Knowing the Basics of Grammar
This grammar tutorial for college students features help on verb agreement, the use of semicolons, sentence structure, and more.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: 11.1: Punctuation
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Explanations and examples that demonstrate how to identify and correctly use commas with coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and introductory...
Harvard University
Harvard Writing Center: Tips on Grammar, Punctuation and Style
Rather than lists of rules, this site provides practical advice on the use of commas, semicolons, dashes, hyphens, abbreviations, acronyms, split infinitives, "this," "that," italics, and underlining. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.2
Pbs Learning Media: Using Punctuation for Breaks and Pauses
Punctuation indicates how one should read any sentence. Commas, for example, indicate when a reader should take a brief pause, either for emphasis or for comprehension. [0:40]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to the Dash
Dashes indicate interruptions, set off asides, and show interruptions in speech. Learn the different functions of dashes in this exercise.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dashes and Hyphens
Learn the uses of--and differences between--dashes and hyphens.
Saint Michael's College: Dashes
Rules and examples of the proper usage of dashes and parentheses.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The Em Dash: Lesson 1
This lesson introduces the em dash and explains when and how it is used. An audio version is provided [1:28], and the lesson is followed by a three-question quiz to check for understanding. It is 1 of 2 in the series titled "The Em Dash."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Dashes and Hyphens: Lesson 1
This lesson introduces hyphens and dashes. It explains the hyphen, en dash, em dash, and dash and the uses of each. It is 1 of 4 in the series titled "Dashes and Hyphens." L.11-12.2a Hyphens
The Economist
The Economist: Economist Style Guide: Punctuation
This resource provides a brief discussion of each of the following types of punctuation: apostrophes, brackets, colons, commas, dashes, full-stops, inverted commas, question marks, and semi-colons. Examples are included for each type of...