Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Developing Academic Language: Got Words?
This is a research-based article concerning how to best teach academic vocabulary. Research finds that most teachers assign and mention vocabulary, but to be effective, instruction must be direct and meaningful. Recommendations for...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Learn a Word: Science Vocabulary Acquisition
In this lesson plan, students use multiple sources to learn the meanings of science words, collaborating to create useful resources for learning and retaining science vocabulary.
Ad Developing Academic Language: Got Words?
Concerns about how to build academic vocabulary and weave its instruction into curricula are common among classroom teachers. This article reviews the research and offers some practical suggestions for teachers.
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jefferson Lab: Reading Passages: Internet Safety
Read and fill in the blanks of this passage explaining Internet safety. Each blank has a dropdown menu with choices. When you finish, click CHECK MY ANSWERS. If you pick a wrong answer, the right answer will be displayed along with your...
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jefferson Lab: Reading Passages: Microscope
Read and fill in the blanks of this passage discussing the invention of microscopes. Each blank has a dropdown menu with choices. When you finish, click CHECK MY ANSWERS. If you pick a wrong answer, the right answer will be displayed...
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jefferson Lab: Where Plants and Animals Live
Read and fill in the blanks of this passage explaining habitats where plants and animals live. Each blank has a dropdown menu with choices. When you finish, click CHECK MY ANSWERS. If you pick a wrong answer, the right answer will be...
Childnet International: Know It All: Primary Schools: Glossary of Technology
Glossary of technology terms lets you check your understanding of key terms associated with ICT tools, ICT technologies, and e-safety issues.
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: Weather Dog (Weather Vocabulary Game)
Players provide the missing term to complete a statement of fact about the weather. A useful tool for reinforcing academic vocabulary in science on topics associated with climate and weather.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Educational Leadership: Art and Science of Teaching /Cognitive Verbs and Cc
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) present a new mandate and challenge for K-12 educators-teaching and reinforcing cognitive verbs. These verbs, referred to as academic vocabulary, signal the type of mental operations that students...
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Word Search: Math Words
Teacher-created word search through which students can review mathematics vocabulary.
Teaching Channel
Teaching Channel: Exploring Poetic Elements
This is a teacher demonstrating and discussing teaching students poetic elements: learning the literary terms, their definitions, and how to apply the information when analyzing poetry.