Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes: Stat3/hyper Ig E Syndrome
Read this passage and study the graphics to complete the following five-question quiz related to the transmission of genetic information from the gene to the protein.
McGraw Hill
The Mc Graw Hill Companies: Eukaryotic Cells
This site provides a brief explanation of what a eukaryotic cell is along with detailed picture of a plant and animal cell.
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology: The Curious Microbe
This interesting site focuses on unusual microbes that inhabit an extreme environmental niche on our planet. Individual articles are written in a tone suitable for general audience.
McGraw Hill
Mc Graw Hill: Control of Gene Expression Quiz
Take this 32 question quiz on control of gene expression. The quiz is multiple choice.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Guia Sobre Procariontes, Eucariontes &Virus
This exercise is to introduce you to the kinds of cells that make up all living systems, and to contrast cells with viruses. At the end you can test your understanding of these topics by taking a short test.
Middle School Science
Protist Lab
In this concise lab exercise, you will examine protists under the microscope, see examples of different protist types, and compare modes of locomotion.
Biology Wise: Facts About Red Marine Algae
Discusses the history of red algae use by humans, its physical characteristics, their uses in medicine, and their uses in food.
Biology Wise: Types of Protists
Explains what types of organisms are in the kingdom Protista and describes the different types of protists in five broad categories and in their sub-categories.