Energy for Sustainable Development
Esd Bulgaria: Kids & Energy: Electricity
Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. It is a secondary energy source which means that we get it from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which...
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Power Plants
Photovoltaic technology is compared and contrasted to the natural phenomenon of photosynthesis. The means by which photocells harness solar energy is described and explained.
FT Exploring
Ft Exploring: Energy Changes Make Things Happen
Nothing can happen without energy. Here you can learn about the many different ways that energy makes things happen.
FT Exploring
Ft Exploring: The Flea, the Catapult, and the Bow: Robin Hood Revisited
Find out how fleas, catapults, and archers convert stored energy into kinetic energy.
National Engineers Week Foundation: Hearing the Light
Young scholars learn how laser communication systems are built by observing how sound can be encoded into, and transmitted by a light beam.
Florida State University Cpalms: Florida Students: Conservation of Energy
Learn about the Law of Conservation of Energy.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Energy Conversion
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Decribes how energy changes from one form to another and energy changes between kinetic and potential energy.
Lesson Plan: Generate Your Own Hydropower [Pdf]
In this online lesson plan, students will generate their own hydropower demonstrating how power is converted to electricity.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Build Your Own Perpetual Motion Machine [Pdf]
A lesson for students to explore the conversion of energy from electrical energy to kinetic energy by constructing a homopolar motor. Also by constructing the motor, students can investigate magnetism, electricity, and RPM.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Fourth Grade Science: Physical Science: Types of Energy
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Discusses ways in which energy can be transferred, what kinetic energy is and types of potential energy. Includes examples of energy conversions.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Fourth Grade Science: Physical Science: Forms and Changes of Energy
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Discusses different forms of energy and how energy changes form.
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Positive Energy
A novel idea for converting solar energy to electrical energy. A brief discussion of solar energy collection in space via satellites.
Wikipedia: Mitochondrion
This encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on mitochondrion describes its function, structure, the energy conversion process, and its use in genetic studies. An illustration is also provided.
Advanced Thermoelectric: Fundamental Thermoelectrics
Discusses the scientific principles (the Peltier effect) and the reliability and operation of thermoelectric modules. Includes a link to several other pages, one of which contains an animation of their operation.
The Franklin Institute
The Franklin Institute Online: Balloon Blow Up
In this simple experiment from the Franklin Institute, students observe the conversion of stored energy into work.
Nasa: The Space Place: Power Up With Tortillas!
This site from NASA provides The Space Place which gives a great explanation of energy sources for young readers using the space shuttle, cars, and our human body as examples.
US Energy Information Administration
Eia: Energy Kids Page: Energy Calculator
This resource for kids provides an energy calculator for conversions as well as explains scientific notation.
Dupont: Make Your Own Water Turbine
Students will create their own water turbine to demonstrate the use of water as a renewable energy source. Included is a detailed lesson plan, a video of the activity, and assessment questions.
US Energy Information Administration
U.s. Eia Energy Kids: Energy Calculators
A series of useful calculators for converting different sources of energy from one energy unit to another. Find conversion calculators for coal, electricity, natural gas, crude oil, gasoline, and diesel fuel, along with an additional...