Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Bob the Snowman [Pdf]
A reader's theater adaptation of Sylvia Loretan and Jan Lenica's early childhood book, Bob the Snowman, is provided on this script. Six character roles are needed in this performance.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: It Wasn't My Fault [Pdf]
A reader's theater adaptation of Helen Lester's early elementary book, It Wasn't My Fault, is provided on this script. Twelve character roles are needed in this performance.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: The True Power of the Performing Arts
An arts administrator looks at the state of the live arts asking: How can the magic of live theater, live music, live dance compete with the always-on Internet? Take a bold look forward. [12:45]
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Expande El Piensamiento Con Drama [Pdf]
This graphic organizer, written in Spanish, will help students plan a drama that is based on a story or a historical event. Students will complete a graphic organizer, answer guiding questions, and write a play based on the content.
The English Teacher Teaching Language in King Lear
A teacher shares thoughts and ideas on teaching King Lear.
Children's Museum
Adventure in Theatre: Fun Things to Know About Theatre
This site is broken into fifteen separate topics covering all aspects of the theatre, including basic information on what a play is and what the theatre is to more in depth information on props, stage makeup, and scene design.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Dramatize a Situation [Pdf]
This graphic organizer will help students plan a drama that is based on a story or a historical event. Students will complete a graphic organizer, answer guiding questions, and write a play based on the content.
Wiki How: How to Audition With Confidence
Great tips for anyone auditioning for a part in a play or performance. Links to other articles if you need further advice.
Princeton Review
The Princeton Review: Career: Actor
This site is a career profile for someone interesting in the acting field. Details typical job duties, the outlook for the acting field in the future, requirements, and more.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: King Lear
Broaden your knowledge of William Shakespeare's "King Lear," when you explore this site. This resource features links to several other educational sites with lesson plans, activities, study guides and more.
TES Global
Tes: Drama Cards Genres
[Free Registration/Login Required] Scenes from stories can be enhanced with this set of drama cards. Students can use a genre card to improvise a scene or use a card with one drama and then shift to another genre with the choosing of...
TES Global
Tes: Education Workpack: Romeo and Juliet
[Free Registration/Login Required] This module provides information about the National Theatre's production of Romeo and Juliet. All content will easily supplement the play, along with the extended research options provided.
Read Works
Read Works: The Magic of Mime
[Free Registration/Login Required] A biographical text about a young woman named Becky who acts as a mime. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: The Big Break
[Free Registration/Login Required] A literary text about two brothers who were auditioning for the same part at a casting call. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: The Process of Acting
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about acting and how one actor prepares for her roles. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Profile of an Actor
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the life of a typical actor in New York City. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Colorful and Musical Feelings
In this lesson, students will communicate their emotions through drama, art, and poetry. Mouse Paint, by Ellen Stohl Walsh, Hailstones and Halibut Bones, by Mary O'Neill, and Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" will be used during this engaging...
Canadian Improv Games
If you have or want to start an improvisation group at your school this would be an amazing opportunity for you to check out. Open only to schools in Canada, the Canadian Improv Games is a friendly competition where high school students...
Learn Improv
This site is a place to learn about the art of improvisational comedy. "One cannot really learn improvisational comedy from a web page, however the list of exercises included here will definitely help."
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Acting the Contentless Scene
This lesson helps students explore the foundations of acting which include obstacles, tactics, and objectives.
Arts Now Learning: Dramatic Writing With Ansel Adams [Pdf]
Using Ansel Adams photographs for inspiration, students will explore creative writing, directing, and acting.
Arts Now Learning: Dramatic Writing With Ansel Adams [Pdf]
Using Ansel Adams photographs for inspiration, middle schoolers will explore creative writing, directing, and acting.
Arts Now Learning: Classification of Animals: "Connect Your Animal Show" [Pdf]
Fifth graders learn about animal classification by reviewing the taxonomy system, then looking at pictures of animals as if they were scientists, acting out an animal's characteristics, then classifying their animal.