Genius Brands International
Secret Millionaires Club: Webisode Activities
Backed by Warren Buffett, "the world's most famous investor," the Secret Millionaires Club teaches children about saving and investing money, about how businesses and credit cards work, and about the personal qualities that support...
Wisconsin Educational Communications Board: Financial Literacy: Teach It!
Students at all grade levels learn about basic finance skills and explore ways to make informed decisions about their financial future.
Edutopia: Goods and Services [Pdf]
A unit that teaches the difference between goods and services, the difference between producers and consumers, the difference between human, natural, and capital resources, and the difference between bartering/trading and buying/selling....
Vanguard Group: My Classroom Economy
My Classroom Economy provides programs appropriate to all grade levels K-12. Each program carries on throughout a school year, and while it involves some class time, that time is minimal. Throughout the grades, students learn financial...
Junior Achievement: Save Usa Interactive Lessons
Interactive money management lessons teach about spending, saving money, financial responsibility, credit, and financial planning.
C3 Teachers
C3 Teachers: Inquiries: Economic Choices
A learning module on choices people make with their money. It includes several supporting questions accompanied by formative tasks and source materials, followed by a summative performance task. Students will learn how families get...
Practical Money Skills
Visa: Practical Money Skills for Life: Financial Football
Football-themed game tests your consumer-finance aptitude regarding interest, banking, credit, budgeting, saving, and spending.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Econ Ed Link Collection
Use this collection of economic education lessons for K-12 teachers and students to improve financial literacy. One interesting feature is "This Day In Economic History," a calendar which identifies an interesting event for each day,...
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission: You Are Here
In this interactive mall environment, students learn how to make smart decisions as consumers. Whether shopping for clothes, choosing the best food deal, searching for a job or buying a cellphone, students will learn how to recognize...
Common Lit: Financial Literacy is a wonderful resource to use in a Language Arts classroom. Each story or article is accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. In addition, students can click on words to see...
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Business & Personal Finance: Module 1: Financial Planning
This self-guided course is designed to give you the tools necessary to help manage money and plan for your financial future. Topics discussed are setting goals, making financial decisions, setting a budget, information on careers and...
Wells Fargo Bank: Hands on Banking for Adults
Mini-learning modules that teach adults how to manage their money wisely and reach their financial goals.
Smart About Money: Your Spending, Your Savings, Your Future [Pdf]
Covers a broad range of topics to help students getting ready to start their way in the adult world, managing their own financial welfare.
Finance Authority of Maine: Manage: Making Your Money Work
PDF with ten sections that help students set financial goals, track expenses, and create plans to manage their expenses to help their future selves.
Washington State Department of Financial Institutions: Right on the Money
[PDF] Booklet provides practical advice on topics such as banking, creating a spending plan, and finding college money.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Budgeting & Checking Activity Financial Literacy
This is a simulation for students to integrate several concepts on saving and banking into one project.
Save And Invest
Finra Investor Education Foundation: Before You Choose a Credit Card
This lesson plan covers the differences between credit cards and how to choose the right one.
Save And Invest
Finra Investor Education Foundation: Credit Score [Pdf]
This lesson plan covers the benefits and pitfalls of good and bad credit scores.
Save And Invest
Finra Investor Education Foundation: Dividend Paying Stocks
This lesson plan focuses on the fundamental concepts of investing in dividend-paying stocks.
Save And Invest
Finra Investor Education Foundation: The Emergency Fund
This lesson plan teaches students the importance of being financially prepared for unexpected expenses.
Save And Invest
Finra Investor Education Foundation: Debt Elimination
This lesson plan offers different strategies for eliminating debt and strengthening one's financial position and cash flow.
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Financial Football
Make personal finance fun with Visa's fast-paced interactive NFL-themed video game that engages students while teaching them personal finance skills.
Scholastic: Adventures in Math: Lesson 1: Money Matters
The process of earning money is the cornerstone of financial literacy. In this lesson, students will identify key terms associated with earning money, explore ideas for earning money now, and evaluate various career options as sources of...
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Lessons: College
Ten financial literacy lesson plans allow college students to build on their skills and cover topics such as budgeting, living on your own, managing credit cards, cars and loans, and saving and investing.