Bozeman Science
LS1C - Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms
How do you plan to approach standard LS1C, Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms? Avoid information overload with helpful advice in a short video. Topics include energy sources, relationships between organisms, and...
Teacher's Pet
Energy Transfer in Trophic Levels
Learn more about food chains, the food web, and the concepts relating to them. It focuses on consumers, producers, decomposers, energy transfer, and energy loss across trophic levels.
Be Smart
What If There Were No Sharks?
Humans kill 3.17 sharks per second. Sharks kill, on average, six humans per year. The video offers many facts based on real science and proven numbers. Not sensationalized or click bait, a refreshing change from a lot of what we see on...
Amoeba Sisters
Food Webs and Energy Pyramids: Bedrocks of Biodiversity
How come we don't eat worms, but we eat fish that eat worms? A video features the food chain and explains why a food web is a better explanation for biodiversity. It includes explanations of producers, autotrophs, consumers,...
Crash Course Kids
Planetary Plants
Since plants are the main source for all life on Earth, that would mean there would have to be plants on other planets to support life. This is the focus of a video that explores how plants could exist on planets other than Earth.
Crash Course Kids
Who Needs Dirt?
How do plants get the nutrients they need? This is the focus of a video that discusses how plants use photosynthesis to survive, with or without dirt.
Crash Course Kids
Food Webs
What happens when an ecosystem gets out of balance? This is the focus of a video that explains the importance of each organism's role in an ecosystem.
Crash Course Kids
Home Sweet Habitat
Why can't a polar bear live in the desert? Because the bear's food source lives in the habitat in which it thrives. This is the focus of a video that explains why certain animals live in specific habitats.
I'm Batman
When you think about bats, what comes to mind? Vampires? Rabies? After watching this short video you'll have a whole new appreciation for these terribly misunderstood mammals.
Feedback Loops: How Nature Gets Its Rhythms
Explore the role of feedback loops in maintaining nature's delicate balance with this short science video. Introducing the concepts of positive and negative feedback, multiple examples are presented that explore the intricate web of...
Crash Course
Crash Course Kids 21.1: Home Sweet Habitat
How would a polar bear do if you put it in the desert? Not well. But why? Why can't anything live anywhere? Well, this has to do with habitats and how animals (including humans) are suited for living in one place over another. In this...
Crash Course
Crash Course Kids 21.2: Food Webs
Last time we put a polar bear in the desert and we still feel bad about that, but there's a lot more going on in ecosystems than just temperature. In fact, there are so many elements in ecosystems, that if just one leaves or gets out of...
The Kid Should See This
Tksst: Science Take: A Surprising Appetite for Dead Jellyfish
Based on recent marine studies, learn how scientists have been rethinking of the jellyfish's position in the food web. [1:34]