Arizona Sonora Desert Museum: Make a Fossil Mold and Cast [Pdf]
In this activity, students will make a fake fossil cast using plaster of Paris. A second activity on comprehending the size of dinosaurs is included in this file.
Sedl: Dinosaurs
This site provides wonderful lesson plans about dinosaurs. Seven sequenced units cover the following topics: extinction, fossils, types of dinosaurs, and the dinosaur life cycle. The site provides basic lesson and background information...
University of Texas at Austin
Texas Memorial Museum: Who Am I? [Pdf]
An activity where students use the discovery drawers at the Texas Natural Science Center to read clues and identify the organisms.
University of Florida
U. Florida Museum: Fossil Horse Cyber Museum
An interesting site about prehistoric horses. Has a large gallery of fossilized horse pictures as well as an area explaining how a horse becomes fossilized.
Virtual Exploration Society: Roy Chapman Andrews
Read about a real life Indiana Jones. Roy Andrews was a paleontologist who discovered fossils from the Cretaceous period in the middle of the Gobi Desert.
Carbon 14 Dating
Seven pages all about Carbon 14 Dating. Information on half-life, Carbon 14 used to date specimens and artifacts, limitations, charts and graphs. Michael E. Brown Ph.D. contests that the limitations of Carbon 14 dating support the theory...
Valdosta State University: Virtual Museum of Fossils
This resource provides an interactive introduction to paleontology. Take a tour, search by animal or time period, and peruse for hot links throughout the museum.
Evidence for Evolution: Fossil Record
These pages are part of a site called "Evolution," that accompanies a textbook by the same name. Mark Ridley is the author. In this section he discusses how fossil records provide undeniable examples of evolutionary change.
Canal Kids: Dinossauros (Dinosaurs), a Era Dos Gigantes
A good introduction to dinosaurs for young Portuguese-speaking children. Uses an engaging writing style, cartoon-style graphics, and animation to teach about the Mesozoic era. Coverage includes types of dinosaurs and their features,...
The Dinosaur Museum
The Dinosaur Museum is located in Blanding, Utah. Use this site to learn all about the exhibits and dinosaur information.
US Geological Survey
Index Fossils
If you need examples of index fossils for each of the geologic eras and periods, than this resource is for you. Diagrams of the index fossils and their scientific names are also provided.
US Geological Survey
Usgs: Fossils and Rocks
Part of an online publication offered by the U.S. Geological Survey, this articles sheds light on how studying fossils became an important part of understanding geologic time.
University of California
University of California Museum of Paleontology: Fossil Evidence
Understanding Evolution provides evidence for evolution using fossils. There are also links to lesson plans.
Young Geologist
Pick from among twelve fossils to learn more about what kind of animal they were and how long ago they lived.
Burke Museum
Burke Museum: Paleontology Collection
In addition to further information on the study of Paleontology, this Museum collection site references over 2.75 million specimens of study available. A search key is provided along with detailed information.
Burke Museum
Burke Museum: Marine Fossils
"Marine fossils and their living relatives" is part of a larger site dedicated to the research and collection information of the Burke Museum on Paleontology.
Scholastic: Study Jams! Science: Landforms, Rocks & Minerals: Sedimentary
A slideshow, a karaoke song to sing along to, and a short multiple-choice quiz on sedimentary rocks and how they are formed.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: Willard Libby Carbon Dating
Use this site to learn about radiocarbon dating and the scientist who discovered it, Willard Libby (1908-1980 CE).
University of California
University of California Museum of Paleontology: Geologic Time
Learn about geologic time, including the age of the Earth by putting it in terms of pages in a book.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Fossils: Lesson 3
This lesson will explain how fossils can be used to determine evolutionary relationships. It is 3 of 6 in the series titled "Fossils."
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Nagt: Illinois Caverns Field Trip
Take your students on a caving experience. This field trip gives hands-on experiences with stalactites, flow stone, fossils, water erosion, limestone, and groundwater.
Cincinnati Museum Center
This site describes the Museum of Natural History and Science in detail and provides links to other programs and exhibits offered.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Geologic Time and Correlation
In this amazing interactive tutorial you will learn about what methods are used by geologists to learn about the history of the Earth. Investigate a geologic time scale and learn about how scientists have developed and organized a record...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Historical Geology
In this interactive tutorial you will explore how geologists use clues in rocks to determine the order in which rocks formed. Learn how principles of radioactivity are used to assign actual ages to rocks. Students will explore fossils...