College Board
2011 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
Does the exam look pupils expected? Released free-response questions from the AP® Calculus BC exam allow teachers and pupils to see and practice with actual exam questions. Three of the questions come from the AB portion of the course...
College Board
2005 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
Grab a peak inside the test. The 2005 free-response questions from the AP® Calculus exam allow learners to see how topics appear on the tests. Topics cover differential equations, bounded areas, particle motion, and slopes of tangent lines.
College Board
2002 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
Become better at the test concepts. An educational resource presents six free-response questions from the AP® Calculus AB exam. Pupils use the items to practice the content, which contains concepts ranging from particle motion to ships...
College Board
2009 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
Get a free peek into a calculus exam. Released free-response items from the AP® Calculus AB exam provide teachers and pupils examples of how topics may appear. The six questions cover topics such as growth rates, volumes of rotations,...
College Board
2006 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
An exam divides the six free-response questions into calculator use and no calculator use items. The non-calculator items are conceptual in nature and test whether pupils understand the calculus concepts. Scholars explain their answers...
College Board
2003 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
Get a better grasp of the intended content. The six free-response questions provide insight into the purpose of the AP® Calculus content. Two questions have real-world context while the remaining are void of context. The items range from...
Rice University
Calculus Volume 2
Delve into the middle of calculus. The resource is the second eBook of three that covers the complete calculus content. Seven chapters begin with integrals and different methods of integration before moving on to differential equations....
Rice University
Calculus Volume 1
Differentiate between calculus concepts. The beginning of a helpful calculus resource begins with a short review of functions and moves right into limits to define derivatives. The six-chapter resource continues with applications of...
College Board
2006 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
Move along with the review. Teachers and scholars use the six released free-response questions to review for their upcoming AP® exam. Questions from the 2006 exam contain problems dealing with cars, objects moving along a curve, and...
College Board
2005 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
Differentiate between the exams. Using the Q&A document, teachers compare the free-response questions that BC test-takers see to those that AB test-takers see. The pupils see which questions come from AB content and also those that...
College Board
2004 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
Given a set of questions, pupils realize the way the Calculus BC free-response exam asks questions. The items include both contextual and non-contextual questions. Both types are split into the calculator and non-calculator sections for...
College Board
2003 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
There are shaded areas, particles, polar equations, oh my! Teachers use the materials to see how their pupils compare to the AP® Calculus BC exam expectations. Scholars use the released items to practice on several BC topics and become...
College Board
2002 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
Where do the questions come from? Individuals examine released items and see the topics included. Teachers use the materials to see the distribution between strictly BC content and that which is shared with AB. The 2002 Calculus BC is...
College Board
2008 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Get the most out of released items. Teachers use the included materials to learn about test-takers' performance on released free-response questions. Pupils respond to the questions and compare their responses to sample scored responses...
College Board
2005 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Develop an awareness of the exam. Pupils and teachers use the six release free-response questions to see how the exam covers topics. The questions are divided among calculator and non-calculator items. Scholars see the importance of...
College Board
2003 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Take a free look. Released free-response questions from the 2003 AP® Calculus AB exam show how questions cover different topics. Pupils and teachers review the topics of bounded regions, particle movement, rates, relationships between...
College Board
2002 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Peek behind the curtain. Using a helpful resource, teachers and pupils see the way concepts appear on the AP® Calculus exam. Scholars use the questions to prepare for their own exams, gaining quality practice before test day. Questions...
College Board
2004 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Develop a deeper understanding of calculus. The released item and support materials allows teachers and pupils to dig deeper into calculus topics. Scholars use the commentary and descriptions of the items to gain a better understanding...
College Board
2001 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Take a closer look at the exam. Released items from the 2001 Calculus AB exam allow teachers and pupils to view how the exam presents questions. Scholars use the questions to prepare for the test and compare their responses to the...
College Board
Vectors: A Curriculum Module for AP® Calculus BC
It is all in a matter of time. The model curriculum module uses parametric equations and vectors to solve problems dealing with particle motion along a curve. At the beginning of the lesson, the unit reviews parametric equations and...
PBL Pathways
Total Cost to Produce the Turbo Blender
Class members blend their knowledge of functions and problem-solving skills to provide business advice to the Turbo Blender manufacturers. Through a project-based approach, learners examine marginal cost data to produce a function....
PBL Pathways
Lake Pollution
Explain the timing of a lake cleanup to the EPA using calculus. A project-based learning opportunity has learners compare rate functions to compute a total change. Their solutions explain the time needed to rid a lake of pollutants.
Historical Reflections on the Fundamental Theorem Of (Integral) Calculus
Highlight the process of mathematical discovery for your classes. This lesson examines the development of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus over time. Understanding the history of the theorem helps create a better understanding of the...
Chapman University
Fundamental Theorems of Mathematics
There are four fundamental theorems of mathematics: arithmetic, algebra, calculus, and linear algebra listed here. Each one is described on this poster or handout. The challenge for a student of math is to figure out why they are...