Pbs a Science Odyssey: Rachel Carson
This site from PBS provides a biography detailing the life of the environmentalist and writer, Rachel Carson (1907-1964 CE).
Health Variations: Gender and Health
This article explores women's health vs. men's health. Includes discussion of why women's life cycle is typically longer than men's, and why women tend to report poorer health than men.
Concordia: Sex, Gender and Social Roles
College lecture notes. Discusses gender and social roles. Sections include: Gender Role Acquisition, Theories of Gender Role Acquisition, Do Women and Men Differ?, Making Sense of it all.
Family Law Center: Gender Bias in the Family Courts
This paper focuses on the subject of gender bias against men in reference to gaining custody of children in the Canadian Family Court system. The article does a good job at defining the bias and presenting examples of the myths and...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Gender and Power (Official and Unofficial): Lesson 2
At the end of this tutorial, the learner will understand that cultures tend to ascribe power roles differently to men and women. It is 2 of 3 in the series titled "Gender and Power (Official and Unofficial)."
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Extension: Character Education "Womanhood"
Excellent resource for empowering students to become better learners. This lesson includes encouraging students to become more aware of the role of women in society, and promoting appreciation for the contributions of women.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Alfred Kinsey
Best known for the Kinsey Reports, find out about the life and work of Alfred Kinsey. Discover how he was led to study human sexuality.
US Department of Labor
U.s. Department of Labor: Women's Bureau
This site from the U.S. Department of Labor is devoted to helping working women get the most out of their careers. It includes statistics, news programs, and a directory of resources.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Pronoun Reference
Printable information is provided that demonstrates how to recognize pronoun reference in the context of a sentence.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Communications: Demographic Factors to Consider
This lesson focuses on demographic factors to consider when analyzing your audience including age, generations, gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, and race, education, religion, and group member.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Communications: Barriers to Listening
This instructional activity focuses on barriers to listening including cultural differences, gender, and technological distractions.
University of St. Andrews (UK)
University of St. Andrews: Emmy Amalie Noether
The School of Mathematics and Statistics of St. Andrew's University provides biographical information on the mathematical career of Emmy Noether. Included are links to other famous individuals with whom she worked and links to her topics...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Want to Be an Activist? Start With Your Toys
McKenna Pope's younger brother loved to cook, but he worried about using an Easy-Bake Oven- because it was a toy for girls. So at age 13, Pope started an online petition for the American toy company Hasbro to change the pink-and-purple...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Women's Issues in Art: Key Points
In this series of videos, we've met artists who use their work as a platform for thinking about big issues- not just those that are unique to them as women and artists, but about gender, sexuality, equality, and political rights, too.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Pronoun Number
Is the pronoun in this sentence singular or plural? Use context to choose the pronoun that makes the most sense.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Gender and Generic Pronoun Choice: Lesson 2
This lesson discusses the issue of gender with pronoun references to a generic noun. It is 2 of 2 in the series titled "Gender and Generic Pronoun Choice."
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammatical Category Quiz
A ten-question quiz about grammatical categories including: number, case, gender, person, tense, aspect, mood, voice, and degree.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammatical Category
An explanation of grammatical categories including: number, case, gender, person, tense, aspect, mood, voice, and degree. A link to a grammatical categories quiz is also available.
Class Flow: Women in Science
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart, students will learn about European History, specifically on the Scientific Revolution and skill practice on Document Based Questions (Point of View and Grouping Documents).
My Hero Project
My Hero: Rachel Carson
This site explores Rachel Carson's (1907-1964 ) heroic activities in the field of science. Content focuses on her role to save plants, animals, and people from the effects of DDT.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Gender and Generic Pronoun Choice
This lesson discusses the issue of gender with pronoun references to a generic noun. This tutorial lesson shares a short slideshow with the lesson's content.
Robin Chew
Lucidcafe: Marie Sklodowska Curie
A brief biography of the life of Marie Curie is presented. Links to other resources, books, and videos are provided.
Awm: Emmy Noether
The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) provides a brief biography of Emmy Noether. An interesting site to check out on the subject.
University of St. Andrews (UK)
University of St. Andrews: Sofia Kovalevskaya Portraits
This University of St Andrews page includes six pictures of the famous mathematician, Sofia Kovalevskaya (Sonja Kovalevsky).