Beyond Benign
Kitten Creation
Your pupils become geneticists as they create cat offspring. The next lesson in a series continues an exploration of genetic makeup as scholars consider parent traits to build their offspring. Using household items, they create kittens...
Beyond Benign
Lucky Brand Genes: Chromosome Cookies
Mutations are not just deformed creatures we see in movies—they happen every day! Scholars study the different types of genetic mutations in the 12th installment of a series of 18 lessons. A creative activity uses candy and other food...
Beyond Benign
Cats and You: DNA Doubles?
What do cats and human DNA have in common? The second activity of a series focuses on the mapping of mammal genomes. Scholars learn about the structure of DNA as they compare the chromosomes of humans and felines.
Personal Genetics Education Project
Using Primary Sources to Examine the History of Eugenics
Eugenics philosophy takes survival of the fittest to a whole new level. With a research-focused lesson, young scientists examine the history of the eugenics movement and its impact on society. Pupils engage with a video clip, primary...
Personal Genetics Education Project
Claims of CRISPR Being Used to Edit Genomes of Twin Girls Born in 2018
Here is an activity that blends genetic technology, literacy skills, and critical thinking. Pupils review background information about cell lines and CRISPR by video and teacher-led discussion. Scholars collaborate to analyze two...
Personal Genetics Education Project
Genome Editing and CRISPR
Explore the excitement and ethical challenges of CRISPR and genetic-editing technology. Participants engage in do-nows, view a slideshow, and collaborate on scenarios about genetic editing. Group members analyze scenarios to generate...
Personal Genetics Education Project
How Does Ancestry Testing Work? Exploring Admixture Testing
Find out the science behind ancestry testing! Investigators watch a video exploring how ancestry works before participating in a hands-on group activity. Scholars role play scientists while learning about testing protocols and test...
National Academy of Sciences
Genetic Disease: Putting DNA to Work
Scientific knowledge of genetic information has grown quickly over the last decade. An interactive lesson has learners research the role of science and medicine in diagnosing and treating genetic disorders. They consider the job of the...
American Museum of Natural History
All About Cloning
Start seeing double. The American Museum of Natural History website provides pupils with information about Dolly, the cloned sheep. Learners find out the procedure used to create Dolly along with why scientists clone animals.
American Museum of Natural History
What's This? Frozen Tissue
Take a peek into thousands of frozen samples. Learners try to identify an image of a piece of frozen tissue. After choosing the correct answer, scholars find out more information about the American Museum of Natural History's Frozen...
American Museum of Natural History
What's the Big Idea About Genetics?
Here's a quick read on genetics. An engaging online resource provides six slides of information about genetics. Learners read about the meaning of genetics to information about DNA. They also learn about the study of genes and the...
American Museum of Natural History
What Do You Know About Genetics?
Just what do you know about genetics? The online resource contains 10 questions about genetics. Scholars work through the questions ranging from what DNA stands for to how much of human DNA is similar to that of a fruit fly. Scholars...
American Museum of Natural History
A Nature and Nurture Walk in Mendel Park
We are what we make of ourselves ... sometimes. Learners play a game to come up with the answer to a riddle. The game consists of determining whether different scenarios are due to nature or nature and nurture. With each correct answer,...
American Museum of Natural History
Around with World with DNA
A mammalogist, ornithologist, ichthyologist, and a conservation geneticist share their work and their hopes that their research will help protect and save endangered species and their habitats.
National Association of Biology Teachers
Using the Discovery of the Structure of DNA to Illustrate Cultural Aspects of Science
Times have changed—and so have science practices. An introductory lesson describing the components of DNA begins with a discussion of the discovery of DNA and its perception in different cultures and genders. Scholars then learn about...
A Mighty Girl
Rosalind Franklin
Rosalind Franklin, the Dark Lady of Science, is featured in an intriguing poster that is sure to inspire young scientists.
Science Friday
Colorful Chromosomes
Everything is in the genes. Individuals observe 14 different traits of themselves. Using pipe cleaners and beads, the learners create models of a chromosome representing their traits. The class then compares and contrasts everyone's...
College Board
AP Biology Practice Exam 2013
What is the best way to prepare for an AP® exam? Learners become familiar with the AP® Biology exam by completing a full-length practice exam. The AP® test prep by the College Board contains multiple choice, grid-in, and free-response...
BC Open Textbooks
Concepts of Biology – 1st Canadian Edition
How diverse are living things? Individuals explore topics such as cells as the foundation for life, cell division and genetics, molecular biology, and animal reproduction using an open resource Biology textbook. They learn key terms...
Agriculture in the Classroom
Roll of the Genes
Animal reproduction in sheep and cattle is explored with the help of Punnet squares. Scholars employ tools using probability to conclude the color of wool a sheep's offspring will have. Acting as animal geneticists, pupils then take...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Cancer Discovery Activities
Explore the genetic component of the second-leading cause of death in the world using a hands-on activity. After watching a video discussing the basics of cancer, learners complete activities that study the genes involved in cancer. The...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Pedigrees and the Inheritance of Lactose Intolerance
What, exactly, causes lactose intolerance? Scholars view a video describing a Finnish study that determined why some people are tolerant while others are intolerant. They then use the data from the study to reenact the experiment and...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Population Genetics, Selection, and Evolution
The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that alleles and genotypes remain constant in the absence of evolutionary influences. Scholars complete a simple hands-on activity applying the Hardy-Weinberg principle to sample data. They observe how...
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
RNA Was the First Genetic Molecule
Can organic molecules come from a pre-biotic environment? Stanley Lloyd Miller proved it is possible when exactly the right conditions exist. Learn about his experiment and the other experiments later building off of it that changed the...