Common Lit: Hillary Clinton's Address to the U. N. World Conference on Women
A learning module that begins with "First Lady Hillary Clinton's Address to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women" by First Lady Hillary Clinton, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion...
Pro Compare 2016 Presidential Candidate Positions
Website offers a side-by-side comparison between presidential candidates on key issues in 2016 race. Invalubale resource informs with interactive features for students or anyone needing a way to organize positions on key issues.
Scholastic: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Contains an overview of Hillary Rodham Clinton's life and her accomplishments in Arkansas.
The Hill
The Hill is a non-partisan, non-ideological weekly newspaper that describes the inner workings of Congress, the pressures confronting policy makers and the many ways in which decisions are made.
FOX News
Fox News: Politics
FOX News covers the latest in United States politics. Impact is presented with television and the internet in mind.
270 To Win
270towin: 2016 Presidential Election
Provides a map and detailed electoral facts for the presidential election of 2016 won by Donald Trump who became the fifth person in U.S. history to become president despite losing the nationwide popular vote.