Clean Japan Center: Recycling
Japanese content for elementary students. Helps younger children explore environmental issues. Topics include recyling, ozone destruction, global warming, and stewardship of natural resources. Good illustrations. Also includes reading...
1 Sky: The Basics of Climate Change
Understand the basics of climate change and how it affects our planet. Learn ways to take action that can impact how our government deals with climate change
Libcom: Climate, Class, and the Neolithic Revolution
This is the first in a series of articles about food under global warming. This article takes a long view of the relationship between climate, agriculture, and class society.
Union of Concerned Scientists: The Great Green Web Game
An interactive game tests knowledge of how choices affect the environment. Become more environmentally aware of how shopping behavior impacts the environment.
Space Math: Nasa Satellite "Sees" Carbon Dioxide [Pdf]
Using this map from NASA you can calculate the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Solve the four problems and you will see how concentrations are spread across the globe and where there are regional differences.
Humans are having a negative effect on the ecology of Antarctica. Get the facts on krill harvesting, global warming, and ozone depletion.
US Geological Survey
Usgs: Effects of Human Activities
This site reviews the effects of agricultural development, urban and industrial development, drainage of the land surface, modifications to river valleys, and modifications to the atmosphere have on ground water and surface water.
California Air Resources Board: The Greenhouse Effect and California [Pdf]
This article has a brief summary of the causes and possible consequences of the greenhouse effect and global warming. In particular, the effects of the potential climate change in California are highlighted.
Society for Science and the Public
Science News for Students: Antarctica Warms, Which Threatens Penguins
Describes the threat of climate change in the Antarctica to emperor penguins by affecting the ice sheets where penguin breeding grounds are located.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Global Warming Graph Analysis
Students interpret a variety of graphs from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports learning the details of climate change.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Greenhouse Effect Lab
Students measure temperature changes inside soda bottles filled with CO2 and air as incandescent light is shined on them to model the Greenhouse Effect.
Carbon Detectives: Find Out About Climate Change
Learn about climate change with video clips and interactive animations.
Pbs: Global Warming
This site provides an in-depth exploration from PBS into the international issue of global warming. Find out why scientists believe the global climate is changing, and explore actions certain governments have taken to prevent this...
Environmental Defense Fund: Tips to Fight Global Warming
Read and take action to fight global warming with these 6 tips, complete with links and other climate change resources.
The Franklin Institute
The Franklin Institute Online: Greenhouse Effect in a Jar
Students can investigate the greenhouse effect on the atmosphere with this simple lesson. The steps are easy and the materials needed are basic.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Hitting Home: Climate Change in Colorado [Zip]
Students examine and interpret varied observational data sets to determine whether climate change is occurring in Colorado.
International Institute for Sustainable Development: Catalyzing Change in Canada
The International Institute for Sustainable Development, or IISD, provides information on all aspects of sustainable development. Here one can find more information on how the IISD is helping Canada deal with climate change. Find climate...
Climate Literacy
Clean: Greenhouse Gas in a Bottle Demonstration
A simple demonstration that is quick and easy to setup and provides dramatic evidence of the effect on temperature of an atmosphere with increased carbon dioxide. [4 min]
National Wildlife Federation
National Wildlife Federation: Wildlife Watch
Folks are observing the effects of global warming by identifying the wildlife creatures they see in their local states. Check out the interactive map that highlights the observations in each of the fifty states. Learn how to become a...
Scholastic: Study Jams! Science: Ecosystems: Carbon Cycle
An engaging interactive enhancing studies of the carbon cycle. Check out a short video, sing karaoke about chlorophyll, take a quiz, and review vocabulary words.
Wisconsin K 12 Energy Education Program (Keep)
The mission of KEEP is to improve energy education in Wisconsin's schools. It provides teachers access to resources, activities and web support for many hands-on lessons for all grade levels.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Oceans and Global Climate
This lesson will describe the effect that oceans have on the global climate.
Geography 4 kids
Geography4 kids.com: Variety Is the Spice of Climate
To every thing there is a season. Understand the role climate plays in the change of seasons across the United States.
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Nagt: History of Climate Science
In this activity. students synthesize ideas and critically evaluate the current social perspectives of climate science and social decision-making.