Read Works
Read Works: Gold Rush
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about a man who found a buried treasure in England. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Cnn en Espanol: Cientficos Descubren Que El Oro Crece en Arboles
In Spanish. Article reports on the recent discovery of gold deposits in eucalyptus tress in Australia.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Top 10 Gold Producing Countries in the World
Provides information about the top ten gold-producing countries, including how much they produce and what percent of foreign currency reserves that is.
American Geosciences Institute
American Geosciences Institute: Earth Science Week: Gold Panning
Have students simulate the Gold Rush by panning for gold in the classroom.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Mirror Pendant in Form of a Bat Human From Grave 5, Sitio Conte
Bat-human imagery in ancient Central American art is often linked to religious beliefs and practices. View pictures and read descriptions of a pendant in the form of a bat-human found in a grave near Panama City in this essay. A video...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Ancient Colombian Goldmaking
Ancient Colombians used gold to fashion some of the most visually dramatic and sophisticated works of art found anywhere in the Americas before European contact. Read about the techniques they used and view pictures in this essay.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Italian Gold Ground Painting
Many of the early works in the paintings collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum are altarpieces and fragments of altarpieces made for Italian churches. They were placed above altars and served as the focal point of the Mass. Churches in...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Gold and Jade Crown, Silla Kingdom
All that glitters was gold in ancient Korea. The Silla Kingdom was described as a country of gold based on their crowns adorned with gold and jade. View pictures and read about the importance of gold in politics and religion in the Silla...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Earth's Heart of Gold
From ABC News in Science, Stephen Pincock's article discusses issues related to the possibility of gold buried beneath the surface of the Earth. (Published 15 June 2006)
Sacramento Bee
Gold Rush: Justice Wasn't Pretty but It Was Quick
This site contains information on justice and law in California during the gold rush. Many felons lost their lives at the end of a rope.
Sacramento Bee
Gold Rush: Culture Took Hold Despite Tough Crowds
This resource contains information on the development of culture in California during the gold rush. Culture developed in spite of the harsh conditions and tough people.
Sacramento Bee
Gold Rush: 'Real Women' Who Defied Stereotype
This site discusses the role of the women during the gold rush in California. They served in a variety of roles and many made more than miners. This page tells their stories.
Sacramento Bee
Gold Rush: His Path Back to Japan Was Paved With Gold
This site discusses the life of Manjiro Nakahama, a Japanese immigrant who made enough money during the gold rush in California that he was able to return home to Japan.
Sacramento Bee
Sacramento Bee: Gold Rush Cost in Environmental Damage
This site discusses how the California gold rush left lasting damage of the California environment. Read how the state's environment has been forever changed.
Sacramento Bee
Gold Rush: Some Found Riches, Many Found Themselves
This site discusses how many miners never made it rich, but had an adventure of a lifetime during the California gold rush.
Sacramento Bee
The Sacramento Bee: Timeline of John Sutter
John Sutter was the unwitting lynchpin in the California Gold Rush. Read the time line of events that show how he suffered for that discovery.
Open Door Team
Open Door Web Site: Britain and the Scramble for Africa
Briefly describes Britain's motivations for imperializing African regions. Includes the text of a speech given by Lord Cruzon entitled, "The True Imperialism."
InterKnowledge Corp.
Inter Knowledge Corp: Ghana
InterKnowledge Corp provides basic facts about the location, geography, climate, history and culture of the country Ghana.
New Perspectives on the West: James Wilson Marshall (1810 1885)
A brief biography of James Marshall who discovered gold at Sutter's Mill in 1848, which led to the California Gold Rush.
Oakland Museum of California
Gold Rush: Gold Fever! Prospecting
This resource presents information about prospecting. You will learn about the history and see pictures on how it was done.
New York Public Library: Heading West: Mining the West
A short page on the discovery of gold at Sutter's Fort as well as the impact of mining in the west on relations with Native Americans.
University of Calgary
University of Calgary: Africa the Search for Gold and Slaves
Historical background of the reasons for European exploration of Africa. Tutorial Links to further European trade and exploration.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Molecular Workbench: Strength of Intermetallic Bonds
View two different substances made from the same two elements. Observe the different strengths of bonds between the two different substances.
Class Flow: Nevada History Quiz
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson is a follow up quiz to the Nevada History Flipchart. It is geared towards intermediate grades (3-5) and quizzes students on their comprehension of basic Nevada History. There are also some...