Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Momentum and Collisions: Egg Drop Interactive
This egg-drop simulation allows students to explore the variables that result in a safe landing or a broken egg. The emphasis of the accompanying activity sheet is on the use of science reasoning skills to understand the physics behind...
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: Gravitational Fields
Students discover the Law of Universal Gravitation by changing the masses of planets and moons and the distance that separates them.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: The Value of G Interactive
Students investigate how the force of gravity varies with location on Earth. They are challenged to find the pattern in their findings.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular & Satellite Motion: Your Weight on Other Planets
Take a quick trip to the other planets, and hop on the scale to find out how weight there compares to weight on Earth.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: 1 D Kinematics: Representing Free Fall by Graphs
In this physics tutorial, the motion of a free-falling motion will be represented using position versus time and velocity versus time graphs.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: 1 D Kinematics: The Big Misconception
An introduction to the ideas behind the misconception and misunderstanding of why all objects accelerate at the same rate. This explanation involves the concepts of force and mass.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: Gravity More Than a Name
This tutorial is intended for students to strengthen their understanding of gravitation and understand the nature of this force.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: The Inverse Square Law
Through illustrated examples and interactive practice, students explore Newton's ability to relate the cause for heavenly motion (the orbit of the moon about the earth) to the cause for Earthly motion (the falling of an apple to the...
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: Universal Gravitation Law
Through interactive illustrations and practice problems, students study Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: The Value of G
In learning about the Law of Universal Gravitation, students explore the value of G, and understand why this value is so location dependent on Earth.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: Kepler's Three Laws
Through interactive practice problems and examples, students explore Kepler's Three Laws of Planetary Motion.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: Satellite Motion Math
In this interactive physics tutorial, students explore the variety of mathematical equations that describe the motion of satellites.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: Weightlessness in Orbit
Through illustrated examples and practice problems, this interactive physics tutorial helps students clear up their possible misconceptions about weightlessness.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Vectors and Projectiles: The Monkey and the Zookeeper
Four different animated illustrations that show situations of bananas being thrown at a monkey in different gravity situations.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Vectors/projectiles: Horizontally Launched Projectiles
With this animation, students can imagine a cannonball being launched from a cannon atop a very high cliff. Imagine as well that the cannonball does not encounter a significant amount of air resistance.
Ambleside Church of England Primary School
Ambleside c.e. Primary School: Your Weight on Other Planets
Students enter their weight here on Earth, and find out how much they would weigh on the moon and other planets.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Center of Mass Level 1
Find the center of mass of a one dimensional system of 2 particles.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Center of Mass Level 2
Find the center of mass of a one dimensional system of 3 particles.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Center of Mass Level 3
Find the center of mass of a two dimensional system of 4 particles.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Center of Mass Estimated
Estimate the location of the center of mass of systems of particles. You will have one minute to estimate as many centers of mass as possible.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Visualizing Forces on an Incline
This program gives students a visual representation of the forces on a block that is on an inclined plane. The students can watch how force gravity, force normal, and force friction change as the angle of the plane changes. Students can...
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Acceleration on a Planet Lab
This lab was designed to have students test the factors that affect the acceleration due to gravity on a planet. Students will be able to modify the planet and then drop an object to determine the acceleration on the planet. As the...
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Force Gravity Bucket Lab
This lab was designed to allow students to collect data for the Force Gravity vs. Volume lab for materials and locations that we cannot do in the classroom. Students will fill the bucket to different levels and record the force on the...
Impact Tectonics: Earth's Interior, Gravity, and Magnetism [Pdf]
Topics covered in this slideshow include the Earth's interior, seismic S- and P-waves, the crust and mantle, phase boundaries encountered by seismic waves, the Earth's internal heat, gravity and density, gravitational anomalies, the...