Instructional Video6:14
Bozeman Science

ESS3D - Global Climate Change

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen explains how the global climate is changing as a result of natural phenomenon and human actions. Changes in the solar radiation due to variations in the Earth's tilt and orbit have caused the ice ages. ...
Instructional Video3:51

TED-Ed: The carbon cycle - Nathaniel Manning

Pre-K - Higher Ed
What exactly is the carbon cycle? Nathaniel Manning provides a basic look into the cyclical relationship of carbon, humans and the environment.
Instructional Video10:42

The Greenest Grocery Bag

12th - Higher Ed
It seems like a simple question with a straightforward answer, but when you look at the total environmental impact of each type of bag, things start to get a little complicated.
Instructional Video11:00
TED Talks

Kristie Ebi: How climate change could make our food less nutritious

12th - Higher Ed
Rising carbon levels in the atmosphere can make plants grow faster, but there's another hidden consequence: they rob plants of the nutrients and vitamins we need to survive. In a talk about global food security, epidemiologist Kristie...
Instructional Video9:18

A Brief History of Life: Survival Is Hard

12th - Higher Ed
It turns out life may have gotten its start pretty early in Earth's history, and while the first couple billion years saw several important developments, the period was still dominated by very simple life forms. This is our first...
Instructional Video4:31

TED-Ed: Which bag should you use? | Luka Seamus Wright and Imogen Ellen Napper

Pre-K - Higher Ed
You've filled up your cart and made it to the front of the grocery line when you're confronted with yet another choice: what kind of bag should you use? It might seem obvious that plastic is bad for the environment, and that a paper bag...
Instructional Video32:49

Getting To Know Cows Inside and Out | Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
From being able to eat grass, to changing the weather with their burps: Cows are incredible creatures!
Instructional Video27:33

5 Problems With Plastic and How We Can Fix Them | Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
Though not everyone is excited about it, plastics are pretty much everywhere. But what problems are they causing and is there anything we can do to solve those problems?
Instructional Video4:44

Terraforming: Can We Turn Mars Into Earth 2.0?

12th - Higher Ed
Are there ways to terraform Mars -- that is, make it habitable for humans? Some scientists think so. They have big plans, but they also face some big obstacles.
Instructional Video3:42

The Fern That Cooled the Planet

12th - Higher Ed
Over its lifetime, the Earth has seen plenty of climate change. About 50 million years ago the planet experienced extreme cooling, and all from a little fern.
Instructional Video13:42
TED Talks

Asmeret Asefaw Berhe: A climate change solution that's right under our feet

12th - Higher Ed
There's two times more carbon in the earth's soil than in all of its vegetation and the atmosphere -- combined. Biogeochemist Asmeret Asefaw Berhe dives into the science of soil and shares how we could use its awesome carbon-trapping...
Instructional Video7:05
Bozeman Science

Global Climate Change

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen explains how the climate on the earth is affected by the amount of solar radiation and the greenhouse affect. The addition of anthropogenic greenhouse gases has led to global warming which is impacting humans...
Instructional Video5:06

The material that could change the world... for a third time | TED-Ed

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Today roads, sidewalks, bridges, and skyscrapers are made of a material called concrete. There's three tons of it for every person on Earth. It's also played a surprisingly large role in rising global temperatures over the last century....
Instructional Video11:19

A History of Earth's Climate

12th - Higher Ed
Earth had a climate long before we showed up and started noticing it and it's influenced by a whole series of cycles that have been churning along for hundreds of millions of years. In most cases those cycles will continue long after...
Instructional Video8:46
Bozeman Science

Human Population Impacts

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen talks about the impacts of human growth on the environment and on themselves. The population, affluence, and destructive technology of a population impact the environment according to the IPAT equation. An...
Instructional Video8:23
Curated Video

Understanding Climate Change: The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program

Pre-K - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video discusses the importance of studying climate change and the efforts of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) to improve our understanding of the Earth's climate. Through the establishment of monitoring facilities...
Instructional Video2:29
Curated Video

The Impact of Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol: A Call for Action

Pre-K - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video highlights the impact of climate change on vulnerable Pacific nations like Kiribati and the melting permafrost in Siberia. It discusses the importance of the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement aimed at reducing...
Instructional Video9:01
Curated Video

How Hurricane History Has Hidden What's Coming

9th - Higher Ed
New ReviewBoth climate models and the laws of physics are clear: more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere means warmer air and oceans, which means more energy for bigger, stronger hurricanes. So why haven’t we seen a clear signal from climate...
Instructional Video13:04
Curated Video

Have We Made Any Progress on Climate Change? Here's The Data

9th - Higher Ed
New ReviewFor this episode we wanted to see where we are in terms of “business as usual,” and if we are still headed towards an apocalypse of sorts. Or if, perhaps, all of the technological innovations in renewables and EVs along with new climate...
Instructional Video13:06
Curated Video

What is the Riskiest Region in the US as the Climate Changes

9th - Higher Ed
Climate Change is increasing the frequency and severity of natural disasters all around the world. And in the United States, more and more people seem to be moving to the places that are projected to be most impacted by climate change,...
Instructional Video1:20
Curated Video

Factpack: Atmospheric Gases

6th - 12th
Discover the Earth's atmosphere: what it is and what it is made of? Chemistry - Periodic Table - Learning Points. A Twig FactPack Film. Open a discussion on what has been already learnt in a topic, or use to grab attention at...
Instructional Video2:55
Curated Video

Making a Star on Earth

6th - 12th
Large-scale nuclear fusion is one of the ultimate goals of science which has yet to be achieved. How does nuclear fusion work and is a future likely in which we can reproduce the power of a star on Earth? Earth Science - Earth's...
Instructional Video3:14
Curated Video

The Greenhouse Effect

6th - 12th
Without the greenhouse effect, our planet would be too cold to inhabit, but it's currently a major cause of global warming. What is the greenhouse effect, and why is it such a conundrum? Earth Science - Human Impacts - Learning...
Instructional Video3:05
Curated Video

Nuclear Power

6th - 12th
How is this powerful and controversial energy source produced? Do the advantages outweigh the dangers of nuclear power? Earth Science - Earth's Resources - Learning Points. Nuclear power is created using uranium, and small amounts can...