George Mason University
Chnm: World History Sources: Music
An overview of how music has influenced history throughout time. Choose links from common questions to music resources.
Pbs: Continental Harmony
PBS presents several activities and lesson plans that cover the concepts of identifying different forms of music, learning about musical imagery, writing in response to music, and creating lyrics. The Sound Lounge has many interactive...
Janet Planet for African Music Organization: The African Music Encyclopedia
Learn about African musicians and their music, at this encyclopedia site.
3rd Ear Music: The Music of South Africa
3rd Ear Music is a comprehensive resource of South African music, past and present. The organization started its collection in 1964 and it now offers links to several South African artists, history of SA music and recordings.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of African Art: Activity Room
Come discover Madagascar--its geography, animals, music and language. Test your current knowledge and learn new things too.
Smithsonian Institution
Nm Af A: Audible Artworks: Selected African Musical Instruments
Five traditional African musical instruments are highlighted at this Smithsonian site: two types of drums, the thumb piano (mucapata), harp, and whistles. Includes historical facts about the instruments.
African Australian Online Resource
This site offers dozens of reviews of African recordings, new and re-released. Well-known musicians Zap Mama and Femi Kuti, as well as up and coming ones, are reviewed. Links to individual Web sites and audio files are also featured here.
African Cultural Center: Culture
Look closely at the foods, music, folktales and art work of the African culture.
Similar to an online newspaper, this resource provides numerous insights to the contemporary culture in Africa.
Bbc: Bitesize: Music of Africa
This site is a part of the About Music site of the BBC, and this interactive site lets you explore various parts of Africa, their music, their instruments, their sounds. Requires Real Player.
Afro Disc: Africa Music Reviews
A radio host talks about new music from West Africa. While profiling four popular artists, the substance in this site describes the flavor of the popular music.
Roots World: African Music Reviews Volume 3
Brief reviews of many African music CDs from a variety of artists and cultures.
Dancedrummer: Traditional African Drumming and Dance
African drumming and dance are discussed in this interesting site. You can play with some of the interactive African style drums as well as access video and audio clips of the music.
Zadonu African Music and Dance Company
There are many videos of several African dance styles. Learn about the culture and history of these dances at this entertaining site.
Conexao Danca
This site offers information about Brazilian dance, scheduled events in dance, connection of professional and amateur dancers around the country, an extensive bibliography about dance, pictures, articles and essays and a very...
Classical Music Navigator: Forms and Styles
This alphabetized list of musical forms and styles briefly defines and describes the types of musical sounds and genres created throughout history.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of African Art: Music of Madagascar
Listen to a contemporary style of music from Madagascar, called "salegy," which blends the musical traditions of Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean, and Indonesia.