Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Simplifying Complex Fractions Calculator
This calculator will show you how to simplify complex fractions. Input any 2 mixed numbers (mixed fractions), regular fractions, improper fraction or integers and simplify the entire fraction by each of the methods shown.
Homeschool Math
Homeschool Math: Mixed Numbers and Fractions
This lesson about fractions and mixed numbers includes review exercises about mixed numbers. Learn how to change mixed numbers into fractions and convert improper fractions into mixed numbers by thinking of them as divisions.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: Different Fractional Faces of One
Explains how to change the number one to various different improper fractions. Gives examples and exercises to practice this skill.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: Any Integer Can Be Written as a Fraction
Explains how to write any integer as a fraction. Gives examples and exercises to practice this skill.