Airnow Ozone: Current Aqi
This map shows current air quality index. Select a region on map to view an animation of ozone levels at different times throughout the day. Very interesting.
Wisconsin Environmental Health Association: Air Defenders: Quest for Clean Air
A multimedia journey teaches young learners about open burning, air quality, and asthma. Learn about alternative ways to dispose of trash and complete the mission of achieving cleaner air.
Center for Educational Technologies
Nasa Classroom of the Future: Environment Module: Uv Menace
This site provides information and activities for classes to learn more about ozone depletion and UV radiation.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Catalytic Converters: Chemistry of Air Pollution
In this cooperative worksheet learners will see how catalysts inside catalytic converters speed up the oxidation of fuel and lessen the air pollution from cars.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Air Quality Teaching Box
This teaching box is filled with educational resources that help students explore the science of, and solutions to, air pollution.
Environmental Education for Kids
Eek!: Teacher Resources: Air, Air, Everywhere Teacher's Activity Guide
This teaching guide includes 10 hands-on activities to teach about air quality and the importance of keeping our air clean. Students will complete activities that include simple sensory experiments to discover the characteristics of air,...
eSchool Today
E School Today: Your Cool Facts and Tips on Air Pollution
Causes, effects, and prevention are some of the aspects of air pollution provided by eSchool Today. Get the facts!
Government of Alberta
Alberta Environment: Focus on Acid Decomposition [Pdf]
This article explains what acid depositions are and the serious effects they have on the environment, as well as what the Alberta government is doing to combat the problem.
Scholastic: Science Explorations: Kids' Environment Report Card
Cast your vote on the important environmental issues. Associated with each issue, there are at least three links to sites which can further your understanding of the issue. To encourage others to respect the environment, you can also...
University of Washington
Live From Earth & Mars [Nasa]: Danger in the Air
This site from Live from Earth & Mars [NASA] is a lesson plan using both interactive and written materials. Can be used as a unit or individually.
Environmental Education for Kids
Eek!: Chemical Engineer
This site provides interesting and relevant information on engineering careers by offering a look into the life of a chemical engineer. Also, site describes what type of courses a student should study to pursue an engineering career.
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Acid Rain: What Is Being Done?
The EPA discusses the actions the government agencies are taking to reduce acid rain.
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Learn the Issues: Air
Air pollution occurs both inside and outside and is dangerous to individuals as well as to the planet. The Environmental Protection Agency oversees laws and regulations related to air quality and has gathered a wealth of information to...
Next: Air Quality
Learn why clean air is necessary to a healthy life by completing these five activities.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Take a Deep Breath on the Appalachian Trail
A lesson plan that includes a PowerPoint learning module for students. They will examine spreadsheet data on air quality in Great Smoky National Parks, and solve problems using ratio and proportion. The exercises will help them to...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Exploring Air Quality in Aura No2 Data
This activity illustrates how data can be imported into Google Earth for visualization and interpretation. Students are introduced to air quality as it relates to population density and topography.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Hunting Bears With a Microscope
In this study, students will use lichens and tardigrades (water bears) to investigate their use as bioindicators of key air pollutants.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Environmental Protection Agency: Acid Rain
This is the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's acid rain portal. Find links to information on the causes and effects of acid rain, how it is measured, and some suggestions for ways to reduce its occurrence.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Principles, Structure, & Implementation of International Environmental Law
This module introduces the fundamental norms and institutions that comprise international environmental law and then focuses on six specific topics: air pollution and protection of the atmosphere, hazardous waste, endangered species,...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Epa's Environmental Education Center
A collection of fact sheets, brochures, and web pages about environmental issues. Topics include acid rain and air pollution, ecosystems, human health, waste and recycling, conservation, and water-related concepts and issues.
Energy for Sustainable Development
Esd Bulgaria: Kids & Energy: Energy Facts
A collection of facts about energy use broken down into various topic areas, e.g., health impact of fossil fuels, transportation, energy consumption, alternative energies, etc.
Society for Science and the Public
Science News for Students: Bad for Breathing
A study provides new clues as to why some respiratory diseases are linked to air pollution.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Ddt
Information about the insecticide DDT, a toxic chemical that was used widely in World War II and later, and is still used in some countries today. It has had far-reaching effects on the environment, as it is carried long distances by air...