Khan Academy
Practice: Using Variables
A quick check of understanding is the focus in this short online quiz. Questions ask users to check out a short two- to four- line program and answer a question about the value of a variable. Get five questions correct in row to pass to...
Khan Academy
Challenge: Bucktooth Bunny
Practice creating and using variables by creating variables for the bunny's eyes and teeth in this JavaScript task. Use the slider above the number to see the power of using variables in your code.
Khan Academy
Challenge: Mickey Mouse Ears
My, what big ears you have! Novice JavaScript programmers adjust Mickey's ears to be proportional with his face and any changes to it. The key is to use variable expressions so that the values used are dependent upon the variable that...
Khan Academy
Challenge: H for Hopper
An "H" is just three rectangles when you are trying to draw them on a computer screen. After watching the previous Intro to Drawing video this online programing activity guides young coders to draw the letter "H" on the screen. Help and...
Khan Academy
Project: Ad Design
Let your young programmers' creativity and programming knowledge shine with this culminating activity. Coders put together everything they know about using text commands, drawing, and animation to create a unique ad. This activity could...
Khan Academy
Welcome to the Computer Science Platform
You don't need to know how to code in order to teach your students! Show them learning is a lifelong skill by learning along with them. Take this activity for example; the code is on the left, and the result is on the right. Can you...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Writing a Simple Calculator Program With Java Script
This is a good first-time programming project. You'll learn how to use JavaScript to create a basic calculator program that you can run in your Web browser.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Paragraph Stats: Writing a Java Script Program to 'Measure' Text
This is a challenging first-time programming project. You'll learn how to use JavaScript to create a simple program to analyze one or more paragraphs of text. Your program will count sentences, words and letters, and report the resulting...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Write a Java Script Binary/decimal/hexadecimal Converter
This is a challenging first computer science project. You'll learn the basics of how digital devices can represent numbers using only 0's and 1's, and you'll write a JavaScript program to convert numbers between binary, decimal and...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Artificial Intelligence Teaching a Computer to Play Tic Tac Toe
This is a more challenging JavaScript project. You will have to figure out a way to translate game strategy into a computer algorithm. Directions will show you how to create a working Tic-Tac-Toe board on a webpage. Just by showing the...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Follow the Bouncing Ball: A Web Animation Project
This project is a fun way to try your hand at programming and expand your knowledge of web design. You will learn how to create some simple animations, and perform tests and make measurements to help you create more realistic-looking...
Apple Learning Interchange: Quicktime Tutorials
This site provides comprehensive tutorials on how to use QuickTime. Divided into three sections ? basic, interactive and delivery ? the tutorials show you how it?s done.
Creative Software: Java Script Tutorial
A comprehensive tutorial of the JavaScript scripting language.
Museum of Web Art
A fascinating site devoted to art and graphics used on the world wide web. Explore the best in buttons, banners, counters, and more.
Hot Scripts: Java Script
This resource presents an internet directory of resources for JavaScript programmers.
Savvas Learning
Concepts of Program Debugging
A chapter from an online book on the concepts of C++ program debugging. Includes steps in debugging a system, with illustration, common debugging situations, with illustration, debugging tools, and the debugging environment.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Computer Programming: House Class Demo
A class demo to help students visualize and learn how to program drawings using JavaScript.
Lissa: Explains It All
Lissa explains html in a way kids can understand. She covers: the basics, css, frames, tables, color, javascript and more.
Color Maker
This very useful site allows you to change the color and background patterns of a web page, and then copy the HTML code to your own site. Includes a tutorial, links to other web pages about color design, and links to a TableMaker and a...
Computers for Creativity: Building With Code
Using the Khan Academy Computer Science platform, sixth graders at Los Altos School District build using code. They create art by writing programs in a JavaScript implementation of the Processing language called Processing.js.
Yahoo!: Java Script Developer Network
Yahoo's developer center site for JavaScript programmers.
Web How To. . .
Answers common "how to" questions related to building a website. Extensive topic coverage on HTML, Java, multimedia, servers and server tools, VRML, intranet, JavaScript, and CGI.
Java Script Programming: Debugging
A 3 part article on JavaScript programming debugging from Includes information on what a "bug" is, a syntax error, a logic error, and other tips on avoiding and troubleshooting programming errors.
Elated Communications: Java Script
An introduction to JavaScript-the most popular browser scripting language, and some clever tips & tricks.