Curated OER
Students explore music, patterns, notes, and instrumentation. They practice the proper technique at a keyboard and perform a simple three note pattern.
Ab Cya: Owl Planes Typing
Owl Planes Typing is an educational multi-player racing game that allows students from anywhere in the world to race one another while practicing typing and keyboard skills!
Ftw Innovations: Typing Web: Learn to Type
Learn to type or improve your keyboarding skills and earn certificates. Many parts of this website are free, however some features require the user to be logged on.
Typing Club: Learn Touch Typing
Use this free, online typing program to improve typing speed and fluency. Does not require an account. A school portal is available for teachers to customize lesson plans.
Ab Cya: Typing Rocket
Typing Rocket is a fun keyboarding game for kids of all ages! Players have 60 seconds to type the letters on the rockets. The score is calculated by hits minus misses. Keyboarding practice has never been so fun!
Ab Cya: Cup Stack Keyboarding
Play this cup stacking game and practice your keyboarding and typing skills.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Doreen Cronin's early childhood book, CLICK, CLACK, MOO: Cows That Type, is provided on these pages. Seven (or more) character roles are needed in this activity.
Bbc Bitesize: Dance Mat Typing
The BBC helps you learn how to type or just improve on the typing skills you already have in this introduction to touch typing. There are 12 levels to master, then you can test your speed. Teaches correct finger placement.
Brookfield High School: Lesnansky's Control Center: Keyboarding Skills
In this activity, students take a typing test to see how fast they can type. Includes videos of typing contests and links to keyboarding resources.
Cornell University
Cornell University: School Ergonomics Programs
This site contains information on the hazards of keyboarding and ways to improve the situation. Illustrations of correct seating arrangements are included.
Tux 4 Kids: Tux Typing
TuxTyping is an educational typing tutor for children. This game requires downloading.
Oregon Occup. Safety and Health Div.: Computer Ergonomics for Elementary School
Learn about ergonomics and how it affects computer users. "Workstation Setup" has suggestions for teachers and students to think about as they work at computers.
Compu Kiss: Keyboard Basics
Computer keyboards have traditional typing keys (alpha, numeric, and symbol) in additional to unique keys with special functions. Learners will be able to explore the abilities of all unique keys that access the major keyboard functions.
Ab Cya: Typing Rocket Junior
Typing Rocket Junior is a fun keyboarding game for early elementary students! Kids have 3 minutes to type the letters on the rockets. The score is calculated by hits minus misses. Keyboarding practice has never been so fun!
Ab Cya: Keyboarding Zoo
Keyboarding Zoo is a fun and educational activity to help early elementary age students learn the keyboard. Children are encouraged to use their index or pointer fingers to match letters on the screen to their keyboards.
Ab Cya: Ghost Typing
This resource is an educational activity for children of all ages to practice keyboarding.
Sense Lang: Free Touch Typing Program
Learn how to type correctly or test your typing skills with this free tutorial.
Peter's Online Typing Course
This online typing course is minimalist in nature with few bells and whistles. Upon completion of the course its author states "you will be able to confidently type all the letters, numbers and most common symbols, with proper ten-finger...
Powertyping: Alphabetic Rain
Learn to type with this online free typing tutor game which focuses on learning typing with the rhythm of music. There are five levels of play; post your score to see if you're in the top.
Typing Test: Free Typing Test and Typing Games Online
Take this free online typing test to see how fast you can type. Personalize the test by picking the language, time, and text. To improve your typing skills, there are a variety of keyboarding games to play.
Gcf Global: Typing Tutorial
A link to a Typing tutorial to use while learning and/or practicing touch-typing.
Bbc Skillswise: Typing
Resource provides factsheets, a video, and worksheets on how to improve typing.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Publishing Time
In this lesson, students will experience different types of publishing in order to strengthen their motivation and cultivate pride in their work. After utilizing the writing process, students will type out their writing on a computer....
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Working With Vocabulary
This lesson focuses on enhancing middle schoolers' vocabulary usage and spelling which, in turn, benefits reading. This lesson also includes keyboarding practice and computer usage.