Ixl Learning: Comparing Numbers
Brush up on your math skills relating to comparing numbers then try some practice problems to test your understanding.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Eureka Math Parent Guide: Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 100
A guide to support parents as they work with their students in place value, comparison, addition and subtraction to 100.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Eureka Math Parent Guide: Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 40
A guide to support parents as they work with their students in place value, comparison, addition and subtraction to 40.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Eureka Math Parent Guide: Comparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 10
A guide to support parents as they work with their students in comparison of length, weight, capacity, and numbers to 10.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Inca Temple: Three Digit Numbers
On this interactive website students practice various math skills using a real life scenario in a classroom. Those skills include identifying three-digit numbers, putting numbers in ascending and descending order, and rounding numbers to...
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math: Inequalities
"Dr. Math" responds to a student question about solving inequalities. Within the response, a list of the properties of inequalities is provided. Site by Math Forum
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Numbers 1 Through 100
This interactive site explains how to compare whole numbers and offers a 10 problem quiz for practicing the skill.
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Amounts One Through Ten Activity
Quiz where the player compares two numbers between one and ten, which are represented by numerals and dots.
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Numbers One Through Thirty Activity
Quiz where the player compares two numbers between one and thirty, and states whether the first number is less than, equal to, or greater than the second number.
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (One Digit Numbers)
Quiz where the player must calculate the answers for two one-digit subtraction problems, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing the differences (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Multiplication: Comparing Multiplication Products (No Carrying)
Quiz where the player calculates the answers for two multiplication questions involving one- and two-digit numbers, with no regrouping, and then chooses the correct symbol for comparing the products (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Multiplication: Comparing Multiplication Products (With Carrying)
Quiz where the player calculates the answers for two multiplication questions involving one- and two-digit numbers, with regrouping, and then chooses the correct symbol for comparing the products (i.e., >, <, or =).
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Comparing Numbers
A simple explanation of what the less than and greater than signs are, with links to games where you can practice comparing numbers.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Inequalities: Addition and Subtraction
Students add or subtract two numbers to solve the inequalities on these interactive flashcards. The problem changes color when the correct symbol is chosen.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Inequalities: Multiplication and Division
Learners multiply or divide two numbers to solve the inequalities on these interactive flashcards. The problem changes color when the correct symbol is chosen.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Addition and Subtraction Comparitive Equations
Students add or subtract two whole numbers and compare the solutions using an inequality symbol. The problem on the flashcard changes color if the correct symbol is chosen.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Multiplication and Division Comparitive Equations
Students solve two equations and compare the answers on these interactive flashcards. The problem changes color when the correct symbol is chosen.
Quia: Cause and Effect 1
Try this interactive game where you compare numbers to determine if they are less than, greater than, or equal. Immediate feedback to responses. Earn a penny for each correct answer.
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Numbers 1 Through 1,000
Quiz where the player looks at two numbers between one and one thousand, and must choose the correct symbol for comparing them (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Numbers 1 Through 10,000
Quiz where the player looks at two numbers between one and ten thousand, and must choose the correct symbol for comparing them (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (With Regrouping)
Quiz where the player must calculate the answers for two subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers, where there is regrouping, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing the differences (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (No Regrouping)
Quiz where the player must calculate the answers for two subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers, where there is no regrouping, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing the differences (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (Up to Two Digits)
Quiz where the player must calculate the answers for two subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing the differences (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (Two Digit Numbers)
Quiz where the player must calculate the differences for two two-digit subtraction problems, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing these (i.e., >, <, or =).