Press Association
Joanna Lumley hails victory in campaign on detonating explosives at sea
Actress Joanna Lumley meeting MPs and members of the public after the Stop Sea Blasts campaign she is involved in succeeded in changing government approach to clearing undetonated explosives from the sea.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Coral Bleaching
What is coral bleaching? Tackle a trendy topic with a narrated animation. Through a combination of video and illustration, the narrator introduces viewers to a coral reef, then goes inside a coral polyp to show its symbiotic relationship...
Jellyfish Predate Dinosaurs. How Have They Survived So Long?
Jellyfish range in size, species, hunting habits, and venom secretions. But one thing most all jellyfish have in common is their ability to survive and flourish in our oceans since before dinosaurs. Watch the video and find out...
Curated OER
Exploring Oceans
Did you know that life in the sea generates 70% of our oxygen? If it weren't for the water, we wouldn't be here! Discover underwater mountains and volcanoes and take a glimpse at our negative global impact. What can you do to reverse...
Crash Course
How Seawater Sabotages Ships: Crash Course Engineering #43
See how the seas wreak havoc on ships. The 43rd video in the Crash Course Engineering playlist focuses on marine engineering and how ships need to protect against corrosion from seawater and from marine life. It also looks at ways of...
Sponge Animation: Wild Ride Through a Sponge
Sponges filter many times their body volumes in water every hour with no breaks. Viewers find themselves being swept inside a sponge to observe the filtering process from the inside. They view the canals, the feeding cells, the spicules,...
Sponge Animation: Spicules
Many people think of sponges as being soft, but that's not the case in the ocean. Viewers learn about the sponge skeleton made of hard crystal material. They observe the many unique shapes and understand how scientists use these shapes...
Cnidarians: Anemone Catches Goby
Anemones contain harpoon-like structures in their tentacles to attack prey. A video shares an up-close look at an anemone eating a goby. It highlights the attack, capture, and demise of the prey through a system evolved over the course...
10 Facts About Great White Sharks
Here's a video your class can really sink their teeth into! Dispel myths and build knowledge about great white sharks using a captivating video from Veritasium. The narrator takes you out to sea to view the animals in their natural...
Deep Look
The Snail-Smashing, Fish-Spearing, Eye-Popping Mantis Shrimp
Like tiny Supermen of the sea, mantis shrimp catch their prey using both bullet-like speed and enhanced vision. How do they do it? Young marine biologists discover the amazing adaptations found in the mantis shrimp and how they use them...
Deep Look
If Your Hands Could Smell, You’d Be an Octopus
An octopus' tentacles are more like sticky, multipurpose tools than the simple leg-like appendages we view them as. Discover their amazing abilities, times eight, in an entertaining video. The narrator explains the senses located in each...
Deep Look
Archerfish Says..."I Spit in Your Face!"
In many cultures, spitting is considered rude; in the world of the archerfish, spitting just means you're trying to catch dinner! Journey to the mangroves of Southeast Asia to meet the archerfish, an expert marksman that shoots insects...
Deep Look
How Do Pelicans Survive Their Death-Defying Dives?
Get ready to take the plunge! Science scholars go fishing with a brown pelican and see how it can withstand the impact of the water from a height of 40 feet. The narrator shows the birds in action and describes the physical adaptations...
Why Are Sharks so Awesome?
Sharks are amazing! They can heat their own blood, they can sense even the faintest of electrical currents, and their sense of smell is is acute. Rather than wanting to eradicate this species, class members can educate others as a result...
Why Do Whales Sing?
Although little is know about why whales sing, researchers are developing theories that explain how whales are able to vocalize. Viewers get a short course in whale song and even get to listen to recordings of the haunting melodies...
The Otherworldly Creatures in the Ocean's Deepest Depths
Humans know so little about the deepest darkest zones of the ocean. Learn a little more with a video that explores some of the many species in the deep ocean, including exotic marine life with adaptations that are out of this...
Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi
Marine Life
Less than a minute long, this video shows a few examples of different types of animals that live in the ocean. Refer to the "Marine Life" tutorial for additional information for your students to reference. Follow-up with a seven question...
The Secret Lives of Baby Fish
Dive into an exploration of the life cycles of coral reef fish with this short instructional video. Starting off as larvae floating in the oceans' currents, these little fish can travel thousands of miles, avoiding numerous hazards...
Curated OER
How The Georgia Aquarium Works
The Georgia Aquarium is the largest of its type in the world. How do they filter the water, maintain temperatures, and feed the marine life? An astonishing 261, 000 gallons of water is filtered per minute. Part of the staff is dedicated...
Science for Kids
Science Kids: Biology Videos: Deep Sea Diving
Experience preparations for a journey into the depths of the mid-Atlantic in one of the few submersibles in the world that can dive to over two thousand meters beneath the ocean surface. (Length: 2 min. 57 sec.)
Noaa: Living Ocean Gallery
This resource provides photographs or video clips of fish, sharks, eels or rays. Quick Time is required.
Pbs: Nature: Open Ocean Jellies
Learn about ocean health and the growth of jellyfish populations in a sea turtle documentary from the PBS, Nature series, in this video podcast. [1:55]
Pbs Learning Media: Manatees
Observe the characteristics and behaviors of manatees. Watch kids use the scientific method to find out if the manatees swimming in the Crystal River in Florida are returning visitors.