
Nasa: Follow Your Curiosity: How Do I Land?

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Understand each step as the Curiosity landed with this animation. The animation shows the entry, descent, and landing of the robot on Mars.

Nasa: Learn About Me: Curiosity

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Learn about the robot that is exploring Mars to see if the planet could supported microbes with this interactive site. Students investigate the parts of the robot by clicking and rotating a picture of the rover.

Nasa: Martian Diaries

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Learn what Mars is like from Martians! Well, people that are working on the Mars mission. This blog site contains firs-hand accounts on what is information is being recovered from Curiosity.

Nasa: Martian Moon Phobos Hip Deep in Powder

For Students 9th - 10th
This press release from NASA, based on data from the Mars Global Survey/Mars Orbiter Camera describes Mars' moon Phobos. Included are small thumbanil images that link to more detailed GIF files.
American Museum of Natural History

American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: A Closer Look at Mars

For Students 3rd - 8th
If you look up at the sky on a clear night, you may see a red dot among the stars. This dot is Mars, named in ancient times after the Roman god of war. Although no one has ever visited this red planet, we know a lot about it. This site...
American Museum of Natural History

American Museum of Natural History: Ology: Astronomy: Are You Cut Out for Mars?

For Students 3rd - 5th
Do you have what it takes to go on a space mission to the Red Planet? Think you can handle it? Take this quiz to find out!

Pbs: Nova: Martian Weather

For Students 9th - 10th
Listen to an illustrated discussion of the major differences between Earth and Mars. Learn more detailed information about the atmospheric conditions which drive the Martian weather. [4:34]

Bbc Newsround: Curiosity Mars Rover to Try and 'Jump' Sand Dune

For Students 1st - 5th
Article describes how the Curiosity rover on Mars will soon attempt to drive over a sand dune, which may be risky for the vehicle.

Cnn en Espanol: Week of 2 17 14: Resuelven El Misterio De La Roca en Marte

For Students 9th - 10th
In Spanish. Article and a slideshow of images explain the mysterious rock recently discovered on Mars by a rover.

Nasa Space Place: How Many Moons?

For Students 3rd - 6th
Find out about different planets' moons in our solar system.
Enchanted Learning

Enchanted Learning: Mars

For Students 3rd - 8th
Many facts about Mars are presented on this comprehensive site. Planet size, surface, length of day, orbit, atmosphere, moons, are a sampling of the many topics discussed on this site. You will also find an activity book, a quiz, a...
Unit Plan

Common Lit: Are Humans Really Headed to Mars Anytime Soon? By Nell Greenfieldboy

For Students 9th - 10th
A learning module that begins with "Are Humans Really Headed to Mars Anytime Soon?" by Nell Greenfieldboyce, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or...
European Space Agency

European Space Agency: Esa Kids: Our Universe: Mars

For Students 3rd - 8th
A basic overview of the planet Mars. Links to information about the other planets and objects in our solar system are included.
Space Telescope Science Institute

Hubble Site: Solar System Images

For Students 9th - 10th
A listing of clickable images of objects in the Solar System from the Hubble telescope that includes the following: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Jupiter's satellites, Saturn, Saturn's rings and satellites, Uranus, Uranus' rings and satellites,...

Nasa: Mars Exploration: Fun Zone!

For Students 9th - 10th
This site is filled with information on NASA's Mars Exploration Program. Use this informative site in Spanish or English. Play games while learning about Mars.
Views of the Solar System

Views of the Solar System: Mars

For Students 9th - 10th
Discover interesting information about the planet Mars through a vast archive of photographs and scientific facts.
Space Telescope Science Institute

Hubble Site: Way Out!

For Students 9th - 10th
Can you help a cow plot a path out of the Milky Way? This hilarious space game is for all ages and is offered by HubbleSite. Users may pick their level of expertise and can choose from novice, pretty smart about space, or an astrobrainiac.
Cool Math

Coolmath: Science Monster: Mars

For Students 3rd - 8th
How much would you weigh on Mars? Learn this information and other cool facts about the red planet, Mars.

Mars Exploration Rovers Special Update: Opportunity's Findings at Endeavour

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn more about the Mars Exploration Rovers' missions by checking out this informative resource. If offers many pictures as well.

Mars Quest Online: Mer Viewer

For Students 9th - 10th
Young space scientists will discover details of Mars with the images presented by the Mars Exploration Rover (MER). Get up close views of the planet's surface in 3D.

Pbs: Nova: Anatomy of a Space Rover

For Students 9th - 10th
Take a closer look at the space robots Spirit and Opportunity, and their scientific instruments used for exploring the surface of Mars.
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex: Imagine Mars

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students will learn about Mars and what adaptations would be needed for people to live on Mars. They will develop a plan for the colonization of Mars. A slideshow presentation and brochure will be created to entice people to join this...
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Activity: What Do You Know? What Do You Ask?

For Students 9th - 10th
Put together your best team of scientist to figure out if would be possible for humans to inhabit Mars with this activity. Students learn about the interdisciplinary approach to solving a problem.
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Ancient Observations

For Students 9th - 10th
If you observe Mars over time you will notice that it gradually grows and shrink over time. Why does this happen? Read this article to see the explanation for this observation.