Bbc Newsround: Nasa Tests Out New Robot for Mars
Brief article and video report on a humanoid robot NASA is testing for a mission to Mars.
DOGO Media
Dogo News: Earthlings Beam 90,000 Friendly Messages to Mars
Article reports on recent mission by a private space company to beam messages to Mars from Earth. Includes video.
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: This Just In! Sand Dunes Are Cruising on Mars!
New pix from Mars show sand dunes on the move. Mars has been dry for 1.5 billion years; could massive erosion be due to wind?
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: The Mariner Missions
This web page contains detailed information on the Mariner 4 spacecraft. The page explains that the Mariner 4 was the first spacecraft to obtain information at close range on Mars. This page also contains information about other Mariner...
Teach Engineering: Mission to Mars
The Mission to Mars curricular unit introduces students to Mars-the Red Planet. Students discover why scientists are so interested in studying this mysterious planet. Many interesting facts about Mars are revealed, and the history of...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: The Sun Is the Center of the Solar System
See what you know about the solar system by taking this brief interactive quiz and learning module.
DOGO Media
Dogo News: Week of 4 11 16: "Year in Space" Brings Us One Step Closer to Mars
Article reports on some of the things learned from astronaut Scott Kelly's year in space, and how that information will contribute to future space exploration missions. Includes video.
Nasa: Image Science Center: Ask the Space Scientist
A NASA scientist, Dr. Sten Odenwald, answers many students' questions. Topics include planets, galaxies, black holes, the origin of the universe, and common misconceptions about space.
Government of Canada
Canadian Space Agency: Mission to Mars
A detailed look at the obstacles and successes in the exploration of the fascinating red planet.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Hubble Space Photographs: Hst's Greatest Hits 1990 1995
Breathtaking images from the Hubble Space Telescope give a new perspective to our world.
The Astronomy Cafe
NASA scientist Sten Odenwald calls this his "web site for the astronomically disadvantaged." Do you have lots of questions about space that you can't seem to get answers to? Would you like to learn about a career in astronomy, Big Bang...
Nasa: Mars and Earth: Science Learning Activities for Afterschool
This set of activities teaches students about the big picture of science using Mars as an example: how to collect data, use evidence, and look at models.
Nasa: Mars and Earth: Science Learning Activities for Afterschool
This set of activities teaches students about the big picture of science using Mars as an example: how to collect data, use evidence, and look at models.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Space Sciences: Introduction to the Mars Science Laboratory
Created to teach students of the 21st century, SOPHIA is bringing Mars straight to your fingertips. Discover what scientific discoveries are occurring in the rest of the universe with this interactive tutorial.
Nasa Human Research Program: 21st Century Explorer
This NASA research program allows students to explore space topics using science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills. Find twelve themes to investigate through video, song, and animation. Also find links to other NASA projects.
Nasa Star Child:space Probes (Level 1)
This page of NASA's excellent Starchild site deals with Space Probes. Learn about the various planetary probes by clicking on the planet of interest.
Nasa Space Place: El Space Place
NASA's space science site for kids - en Espanol. Features a wide range of activities, including games, projects, animations, and more. Also contains useful information on basic physics, chemistry, and other natural sciences, offering...
Nasa Star Child: Probes to Mars (Level 2)
This site has a description of the different probes to pass by and land on Mars. Glossary, graphics, and printable version are also included.
University of Leicester: The Solar System
Resource explores the solar system, with an in depth discussion of each of the planets and their properties.
Nasa: Mars Pathfinder Archives
Snapshots and home video from our trip to Mars. High resolution images, 3-D pictures, and stereo pairs and related files.
Nasa: Mars Odyssey
Within the rocky landscape of Mars you will find the Mariner Valley. This expansive landform is as deep as the Grand Canyon and encompasses an area as wide as the distance between New York and Los Angeles.
Nasa: Mars for Educators
A wealth of educator resources for studying Mars. Includes lesson plans relating to Curiosity, imagining Mars, and classroom activities exploring Mars.
Nasa: Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Both historic and up-to-the-minute news regarding the Mars Rover mission. There are activities for children, student projects and other classroom resources. From the "more videos" link you can find a series of animations will take you...
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Viking Mission to Mars
This resource provides thorough background information on the Viking Missions and links to detailed data and images.