Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: The Planets
This survey of the planets includes all the basics, size, mass, atmosphere, length of day, and the like. It features interactive activities and learning exercises and compares all of the planets in colorful tables.
Nasa: Follow Curiosity's Descent to Mars
The Curiosity rover set out to answer the question: Did Mars ever have the right environmental conditions to support small life forms called microbes? The Curiosity Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) captured the rover's descent to the surface...
Nasa: Solar System
This resource provides a general overview of all the planets in the solar system, as well as the sun, various comets and asteroids, the deep space network, and the latest solar system news.
Nasa: Mars Exploration: Fun Zone: Mars for Kids
Find links to engaging games, activities, billion-pixel images and much more about Mars.
Nasa: Solar System Exploration
Enter our solar system to interact with the planets, moons, asteroids, meteors, and more. Investigate with NASA scientists and explore missions related to space exploration. Read facts, compare statistics, look through resources, and...
Mars Quest Online: The Red Planet
Collect facts, engage in simulations, and explore Mars with the tools provided.
Mars Quest Online: Martian Volcanoes
Get all of the facts and experience interactive exercises featuring the volcanoes found on Mars .
Nasa: Eyes on the Solar System
Are you ready to ride the Curiosity to the surface of Gale crater? This 3-D environment created with NASA mission data allows students to experience space and time. With this website students can also hop on an asteroid, fly a Voyager...
Nasa: Imagine Mars
The Imagine Mars Project encourages students to design a community on Mars in the future. Links allow you to get teacher resources, information about Mars, and examples of other student projects.
Bb Ci Space: Solar System
Take a journey through the solar system with this interactive guide. Includes planetary history, "travel information," "tourist highlights," and video clips. Games and quizzes include a Solar System jigsaw that prompts the student to...
European Space Agency
European Space Agency: Mars Express
Information and news of the European Mars Express includes color pictures, video talk, videos, 3D model and animation.
Nasa: Solar System Exploration
This stunning site on the solar system gives a great overview of the planets and our sun. Learn about each object's size, vital statistics, and moons. Then go on for a more in depth look at these objects in the column on the left.
Access Mars
Access Mars lets you explore a 3D replica of the Martian surface, exactly as it was recorded by the Curiosity rover.
Cosmos 4 kids
Cosmos4 Kids: Solar System: Mars
Learn the basic facts about the planet Mars. The brief, to the point text makes this site most suitable for younger researchers.
Nasa : Five Things About Nasa's Mars Curiosity Rover
Information about the Mars Curiosity Rover, a movable robotic laboratory designed to explore the surface of Mars.
Cengage Learning
Mission to Mars: Project Based Learning
Young scholars will plan a human expedition to the planet Mars. Through this project-based activity, they can choose to learn about the surface of Mars, the trip route, the analogical features between Mars and Earth, nutrition and...
Arizona State University
Asu: Mars Student Imaging Project
Students learn about Mars and related subjects through an incredible set of activities developed with inquiry learning in mind.
Cosmos 4 kids
Cosmos4 Kids: Viking and Voyagers
Learn how about the Voyager and Viking probes that explored Mars for NASA. Learn how the data the probes send back help scientist explore Mars from Earth. Also included is a video on the next tools that will be used to explore space.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Science World of Astronomy: Snc Meteorites
View a chart displaying various kinds of meteorites collected on earth and read a technical article describing the manner in which they are studied. Provides a link to more information about the planet Mars and the role it plays in the...
University of California
University of California Berkley: The Mars Microphone
This site is all about the Mars Microphone. It explains that it is an experiment that determines what sounds would be heard on Mars.
Nine Planets
The Eight Planets: Just for Kids
Here is a clear, simple picture of the solar system. Click on the names of the planets to learn more about each. Clicking on underlined terms takes you to more and more detailed scientific information.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: Ology: Astronomy: In Pictures: Beyond Planet Earth
What would it be like to travel across the solar system and explore space? Take a look at some of the places that humans might go to someday, and the questions that scientists are asking.
University of Oregon
University of Oregon: Mars' Atmosphere
Here is a comparison of the atmospheric composition of Earth, Venus and Mars.