European Kendo Federation
The European Kendo Federation teaches traditional Kendo all over Europe. It as promotes tournaments and provides a ranking structure.
Online Historical Fencing Manuals & Texts
Links to historical fighting manuals and analysis of these manuals. Intriguing reading for those with an interest in Renaissance fighting techniques.
International Taekwondo Association
This groups seeks to teach the traditional Taekwondo style to everyone. They have schools all over the world.
Korean Taekwondo Association
In Korean. This organization promotes the sport of Taekwondo in the the country of Korea. This site includes a timeline of the history of this organization, an event calendar, encyclopedia of Taekwondo, and a gallery.
International Aikido Federation
The International Aikido Federation represents the interests of over 40 national aikido organizations around the world. Provides information about the federation and about the member organizations.
Dark Dragon Kenpo Karate
This style of martial arts is modified from the traditional style of the Shaolin priest. This resource talks about the history and contains a family tree of its development.
Shotokan Karate of America: Homepage
The official site of SKA that details the sport of karate, it's history, and training information.
Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Web Japan: Sports
Sports are important in Japan, as they are in many countries. Read about Japan's traditional sports as well as the more modern ones in this article from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Isshin Ryu World Karate Association
This site is about the Isshin-Ryu World Karate Association, located in Japan. It contains videos, seminars, and tournament information.
Kendo America
This site provides information about the history of Kendo, and Kendo in the United States. Includes tournament results, rules, and links.
Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia
This is a non profit organization that teaches Tai Chi to the public of Australia. It offers these services to help the peoples' general health.
International Chen Style Tai Chi Development Center
This group blends the Chen Style along with the Tai Chi to create a better overall style of martial arts.
Seidokan Aikido
This site describes seidokan aikido, a modification of the original Aikido style. It studies the fundamentals and philosophy of Aikido and teaches students to develop their own way.
The History of Taekwondo
This site gives a lengthy history of how Taekwondo started. The government wanted to unite the different marital art styles in Korea.
World Tang Soo Do Association: Homepage
Tang Soo Do is a Korean martial art which teaches empty hand and foot fighting, fighting forms, self-defense, and weapons. Tang Soo Do also teaches people to live a healthy and harmonious life. This ancient martial art traces its lineage...
Korean Martial Arts Federation
This site is the homepage of the Korean Martial Arts Federation. It includes information on the Federation, videos, journals, and links to more information.
Sumo Faq: History
The site gives an extensive lesson of how Sumo Wrestling came to Japan in the 8th century. It also contains links to further information.
United States Ju Jitsu Federation
The goal of the organization is to unify all styles of Jujitsu It seeks to promote the teaching of this martial art the United States.
Israeli Tai Chi Center
This organization has a mission to teach the style of Tai Chi Chuan in the country of Israel and to promote the health of its membership.
United States Judo Association
The site promotes Judo within the United States. It sanctions tournaments and rankings. Contains many links to Judo related topics.
Shan Tung Kung Fu, Llc
This site is the homepage for the Shan Tung Kung-Fu, LLC. On this website, one can find information on the history of Kung-Fu, and also information on enrolling for classes. Includes photographs and links to other Kung-Fu sites.
International Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Federation
This is one of the older karate organizations founded in Okinawa. Its goal is to teach the traditional style of its ancestors.
Read Works
Read Works: Kick It!
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about different forms of martial arts and the benefits of martial arts training. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
United States Isshinryu Association
The organization seeks to teach traditional Isshinryu karate to its students. The site contains the history and mission of the organization.