National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: Grape Juice Jungle
Are all juice grape juice concentrates the same? Find out when you explore ratio and fractions in this math challenge that compares juice recipes to identify strongest taste. A one page activity from the NCTM Math Challenges for Families...
Organization for Community Networks
Lesson Plan: I've Got Your Number (Number Sense)
An engaging lesson used to review math concepts and facts. Students are certain to "Stay alert," in this card game where each solution is related to the next solution. Sample questions provided. Great problem solving and skill building...
Cyber Sleuth Kids: Number Line Worksheets
Using a number line has just gotten a little easier for teachers and students in this site from CyberSleuth that contains an assortment of printable number line worksheets. Here you will find blank number lines, number lines with...
Mathpower: Elementary Algebra Assignments
Test your algebra aptitude at this colorful website filled with algebra assignments for upper elementary and middle school students. Assignments explore algebra concepts using addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, division,...