
Journal of Contemporary Art

For Students 9th - 10th
The Journal of Contemporary Art includes interviews with new and upcoming artists, discussions and projects.

California Newsreel: Videos on African American Life

For Students 9th - 10th
This company claims to be the "oldest and most notable non-profit documentary production and distribution center in the nation." It offers a rich collection of videos on all aspects of African American life and history: e.g., Academy...

Before and After: The New Face of Nightly News

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Interesting article follows the return of "hard" news to the 3 evening newscasts from June to October 2001. Includes infographics and source material.

Read Write Think: Cnn Debuted as the First Television News Network in 1980

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
These lesson plans relate to the gathering and production of news and creating a visual timeline. There are links to other lesson plan ideas, as well as web links, and a brief bibliography. SL.11-12.2 Eval&Integrate sources
Lesson Plan

Read Write Think: Identifying and Understanding the Fallacies Used in Advertising

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Students examine the fallacies that surround them every day, deconstruct fallacious images and messages in advertisements, and demonstrate their understanding of the fallacies through multimedia presentations.

Fair: Retractions of Reporting Are Quite Selective

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Interesting essay on the use of unnamed or anonymous sources, accuracy of reports, and retractions of innaccurate reports by major news outlets. Eye opener.

What Is Media Literacy?

For Students 1st - 5th Standards
This web quest will ask students to read and think critically about some of the media sources they are familiar with. Students will look closely at the purposes of the different kinds of media, look at the techniques used to create the...
Lesson Plan
Media Smarts

Media Smarts: Teaching Tv: Television as a Story Teller Lesson

For Teachers K - 1st
This lesson plan will help young students explore how television can be used to tell stories.
Unit Plan

First Grade Fun: Media Literacy

For Teachers K - 1st Standards
This module from a resident educator named Ms. Hernandez shares resources that explain how to discuss media images with their young children.

Media Activist's Kit for Fairness in Reporting

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This site offers the whole package about bias in reporting: what it is, how to identify the source, how to complain about it and be heard, and what to do if all else fails. The site offers an extensive reading list along with detailed...

Ire: Investigative Reporters and Editors

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This non-profit group was created in 1975 as a networking tool for the exchange of ideas and attitudes concerning the quality of investigative reporting for the media. Site is newsletter-style with up-to-date information.

The Bismarck Tribune: Homepage

For Students 9th - 10th
This is the online homepage for the Bismarck Tribune, the local newspaper for Bismarck, North Dakota.

The Star Ledger

For Students 9th - 10th
The Star Ledger is the daily newspaper publication for the city of Newark, New Jersey. The Star Ledger features sections on news, business, sports and entertaiment.

Wired.com: The Age of Paine

For Students 9th - 10th
An article from Wired Magazine describing Paine's use of the media to support the Revolution and comparing it to use of modern media such as TV, radio and the Internet.

Student Press Law Center: Student Press Law Center

For Students 9th - 10th
Based in Virginia, this site provides legal help and information to student journalists and journalism teachers.

Knight Lab: Juxtapose

For Students 9th - 10th
Juxtapose helps storytellers compare two pieces of similar media, including photos, and GIFs. This site will teach you how to juxtapose two images. It is free, easy to use, and works on all devices. All you need to get started are links...
Lesson Plan

Pbs Learning Media: How Technology Changed the Way Candidates Run for President?

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This lesson plan focuses on how technology has changed Presidential election campaigns. It includes reading articles and conducting research.
Lesson Plan

Pbs Learning Media: What Is Social Media's Role in Election 2016?

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this lesson, students examine the different ways candidates use social media, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in their presidential campaigns. They will watch videos, read articles, and examine candidates' social media pages.
Unit Plan
TED Talks

Ted: Ted Ed: The Key to Media's Hidden Codes

For Students 9th - 10th
Video that describes the types of codes that media and advertisements use to affect the way that people think, act, and feel. [6:00] Followed by a short quiz and a list of additional resources to explore.
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex: Whose Voice Guides Your Choice?

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
In this one-two week unit, middle schoolers explore the role media has in influencing public opinion. Students analyze advertising in print, video, and online formats. An optional visit to the Museum of Television and Radio via distance...

Aap: Constantly Connected: Adverse Effects of Media on Children & Teens

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
This article shares information about the adverse effects of the media on children's health.
Lesson Plan

I Civics: Propaganda: What's the Message?

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Students will learn what propaganda is and how it uses different techniques to sway public opinion by looking at examples of advertisements and campaigns used by governments and private businesses.
Lesson Plan
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Ucar: Weather in the News

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this activity, students will compare stories about a weather event from different media sources and different perspectives.
Lesson Plan

Wnet: Thirteen: Lesson Plan: How Media Shapes Perception

For Teachers 10th - 12th Standards
Interesting lesson plan that allows students to explore the messages and influence of the media, especially on young minds. Objectives, standards, and procedures included for teachers.