York University
Classics in the History of Psychology: Gestalt Psychology Today
This site is provided for by York University. Where classic Freudian Psychoanalysis fails with the non-verbal patient, Gestalt Psychology tries to combine a little drama, movement, and action to broaden the scope and population that...
Pbs: This Emotional Life: Bullying
What are the effects of bullying? PBS features extensive information on bullying including topics such as bullies and their victims, how to help your child, and adult bullying.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Martin Seligman on Positive Psychology
As Martin Seligman discusses the state of psychology today, he introduces the eleventh reason to be positive. [23:46]
Pbs Teachers:what Is Depression?
Examine teenage depression: what it's all about, how it feels and ways to deal with it.
Anxiety Panic Internet: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
In addition to providing general information on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), this website includes a first-hand account of the disease. Learn how OCD, when left untreated, can control and ruin a person's life.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Online
Read about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the treatments associated with this disease. OCD Online provides general information about the disease and includes write-ups on successful treatment through cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Pni: The Biopsychopharmacology of Vitamin B6
This website discusses the importance of the biopsychopharmacology of vitamin B6. B6 is critical to "extremely important metabolic processes in the nervous system." Mentions epilepsy and behavioral disturbances.
Healthline: Dependent Personality Disorder
Resource tool that provides relevant information on Dependent Personality Disorder concentrating on symptoms, causes, and treatment with links to articles and related topics.
Healthline: Avoidant Personality Disorder
Resource tool that provides relevant information on Avoidant Personality Disorder concentrating on symptoms, causes, and treatment with links to articles and related topics.
Eating Disorders
A thorough reference site for information on various eating disorders to help with both the identification and the treatment of eating disorders.
Mental Health America
Mental Health America: Trichotillomania
A serious, compulsive behavior of pulling one's hair out, trichotillomania is examined in this brief article.
Mental Health America
Mha: Recognizing Mental Health Probelms in Children
This resource provides a check list for recognizing mental health problems in children.
Obsessive Compulsive Foundation
The website is an excellent resource for those with obssessive-compulsive disorder and also for those just wanting to know more about this disease. Learn how OCD is diagnosed and check out information on how the disease is treated and...
Mental Health America
Mental Health America: Suicide
Resource offers facts and statistics about suicide.
Mental Health America
Mental Health America: Mental Health Info: Multi Infarct Dementia
Extensive mental health information on a variety of topics dealing with multi-infarct dementia.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Its Treatment
Organized into question/answer format, this website is a good introduction to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Read about the causes and treatments associated with OCD and learn how this disease can be managed through behavior therapy.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic
A comprehensive resource for timely and accurate medical information from experts at Mayo Clinic. Content includes information on almost all diseases and conditions, a guide to healthy living, first-aid and self-care information.
Bbc: Lab Uk: The Stress Test
Take this twenty-minute test to learn about the causes and consequences of stress. Find out what factors affect your mental health and tips on how to improve it. To take part in the experiment, registration is required.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Aaas: Eurek Alert!: Emotional Distress Leads Children to Doubt
Being in emotional distress can cause children to doubt themselves, according to this article. When children lack support they often find themselves frustrated and depressed. Learn more about this trend on this site.
Curated OER
Kids Health: Going to a Therapist
This four page site from Kids Heath will help a child that is going to see a therapist. This article takes the reader through a visit to the therapist and relates how they can help a patient. It also includes links to related articles.
Curated OER
Kids Health: Getting Over a Break Up
Teenagers often dedicate themselves emotionally to a relationship to a great degree and coping with loss can be quite difficult. This site provides insight for teens on how to manage these feelings and move towards the future. Links to...
Curated OER
Kids Health: Dealing With Divorce
The reasons for two adults divorcing isn't always clear to their children. This article explains why parents sometimes divorce, how it might change their lives, and what they can do to make it easier for themselves. The article also...
Curated OER
Kids Health: Abuse
Abusive relationships of any kind can sometimes be confusing for a child or teenager. If you or someone you know is involved in this type of relationship then this is a good site for understanding how to recognize and stop the abuse....
Curated OER
Kids Health: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
This article from Family Doctor.org explains common characteristics of people with the disorder, their fears, and treatments. This comprehensive article also contains links to similar sites.