Sophia Learning
Sophia: Extended Metaphor
This slideshow focuses on the extended metaphor including defining it, stating its purpose, showing the difference between a metaphor and an extended metaphor, and providing a literary example -- Shakespeare's "As You Like It"-- with...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Grammar Basics: Metaphors
This tutorial focuses on metaphors using a PowerPoint presentation which offers definitions, examples, and various types of metaphors, as well as, similes for comparison. It provides two YouTube videos: the first includes popular songs...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 2 (English I Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Through this practice lesson, students will learn how to interpret poetry. They will learn how to spot a metaphor, to identify imagery, and be introduced to the terms...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 3 (English Ii Reading)
Doing the exercises in this lesson will help students comprehend the poet's meaning by giving them practice in finding imagery, metaphors, symbolism, and allusions. RL.9-10.9 alllusions to other works.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Cultural Diversity in the United States
Students learn about several different metaphors that have been used to describe cultural diversity in the United States. Then they choose a metaphor that represents today's diverse cultural landscape. Background information, directions,...
National Endowment for the Humanities
Neh: Edsit Ement: Introducing Metaphors Through Poetry
This lesson is designed to help students begin to engage with metaphors on a deeper and more abstract level. The lesson will begin with a poem containing metaphors accessible at all levels, and with each poem, the lesson will progress in...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Colorful Sensory Poems
This instructional activity allows students to explore color - both in literal and figurative terms. Students will read books about color, discuss the emotion involved with color, and incorporate color metaphors to write poems using the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Voice Building Poetry Lesson: Four Metaphor Poetry
Inspired by Mem Fox's Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge which includes four metaphors for memory, this writing prompt asks students to think of an original abstract noun. Students will brainstorm details as they come up with ideas for...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Unique Metaphor Collections
In this lesson, the first chapter of the novel Girl with a Pearl Earring is used as a mentor text. Students will identify metaphors and then create their own unique metaphorical descriptions that they will begin to collect in their...
Luminarium: Works of John Donne: A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
Luminarium: Works of John Donne: A Valediction Forbidding Mourning in is the text of one of John Donne's most famous poems which uses metaphors and comparisons to explain the separation of two lovers.
Shoreline Community College: Formal Properties of Literature
As students become more aware of text complexity, an understanding of the formal properties of literature becomes more important. This is an excellent examination of the kinds of choices writers make that change the way readers receive...
Quia: Grammar: Is This Sentence Correct?
This 10 question quiz asks students to select the correct answer to questions about metaphors. Java is required.
Quia: Bud, Not Buddy: Similies and Metaphors
These games use the similes and metaphors from the novel Bud, Not Buddy. There are three games: Flashcards, Matching, and Concentration. Flashcards has half of the simile/metaphor on each side of the card; Matching has students match the...
Quia: Battleship
Sink your opponent's ships by answering metaphor questions. Select skill level and reposition your ships before beginning the game.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Mathematical Recipe Metaphors
In this lesson, Barry Lane's books entitled Reviser's Toolbox and 51 Wacky We-Search Reports are used as mentor texts. Used as a refeference, the concept of recipe poems can be instructed to the students and the genre of "how to" books,...
Quia: Matching: Literary Devices
This matching game has students match examples of literary devices (yellow boxes) with the terms (blue boxes). There are multiples of each, but each set is matched to a specific box. Java is required.
Quia: Concentration: Literary Devices
This game asks students to match literary devices (similes, metaphors, personification, slang/dialect and allusions) with their examples while remembering where they are located behind covered squares. Java is required.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Poetry of Liberation: Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath is featured in this brief biography for her writings which focused on her views of feminism. See "Sylvia Plath Activities" for related materials.
Read Works
Read Works: Figurative Language
[Free Registration/Login Required] This site contains a collection of passage that include figurative language lessons. Each lesson includes questions to assess student understanding.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Unit: Figurative Language With Casey at Bat
In this lesson, 5th graders learn how to analyze figurative language in the poem, "Casey At The Bat."
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 2 (English I Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] As you work through this lesson, you will learn how to interpret poetry. You will learn how to spot a metaphor, you will learn to identify imagery, and you will be introduced...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: The Art of the Metaphor
How do metaphors help us better understand the world? What makes a good metaphor? Explore these questions in this video with writers like Langston Hughes and Carl Sandburg, who have mastered the art of bringing a scene or emotion to...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Character Metaphors the Great Gatsby
The learners will explore characters by creating metaphors with pictures. Using a gingerbread styled template and pictures collected from magazines, clip art, or other sources, the students will paste pictures which represent specific...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Poetry and Music Fun With Chris Daughtry
This language arts lesson grabs students' attention by incorporating a popular musician. The lyrics to "Over You" include vivid language that makes identifying figures of speech intriguing. The students will identify similes, metaphors,...