Pocantico Hills School: Mexico for Kids
A resource on Mexico for students and teachers. Contains plenty of information, activities, Spanish vocabulary, stories, and much more. Some links to external sites may not work as this is an older website.
Mexico Travel Database: Rosarito
This resource contains information about Mexico, and many of the cities within the country. Specifically, this article provides information about the city of Rosarito.
Class Flow: Christmas in Mexico
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart provides a fun way to for students to learn about Christmas in Mexico.
A&E Television
History.com: Cinco De Mayo
Provides a detailed history of Mexico and why we celebrate the Mexican National holiday of Cinco de Mayo. Links to related video clips are included.
Live Science
Live Science: Mexican Culture: Customs & Traditions
Looks at the makeup of Mexico's ethnic tapestry, its languages, religions, the values of its peoples, Mexican food, arts, clothing, and celebrations. [Published Feb. 10, 2015]