Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Octavio Paz Biographical
Read about the winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Literature, Octavio Paz. This Nobel E-Museum website includes a biography, poetry, Paz's Nobel lecture entitled "In Search of the Present," and many other resources.
Encyclopedia Britannica: Emiliano Zapata
This resource presents a biography of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata. The biography is taken from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and published as part of an online project entitled "Zapatista Rebels in Mexico and the Electronic...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Ap Us History/college History Unit: Period 7: 1890 1945
The study resource from Khan Academy provides a video lesson about the Zimmerman Telegram: Period 7: 1890-1945 in American History. This resource is designed as a review for the AP US History Test.
Museo Frida Kahlo: The Blue House
The Blue House was the home of Frida Kahlo, one of Mexico's most beloved and iconic artists. It was her with that the house would become a museum after her death. The museum holds art by Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera as well as many other...
Sacred Text Archive
Internet Sacred Text Archive: The Popol Vuh
This is an extract from an English translation of the Popol Vuh, the mythic and heroic sagas of the Kiches of Central America.
Adventure Learning Foundation
Adventure Learning Foundation: Oaxaca, Mexico People and Ethnic Groups
The state of Oaxaca has a very diverse population. Its 3.3 million people are made up of descendents from 15 different groups including the Zapotec, Mixtec, Chatino, Trique and Mixe peoples. This site provides a description of those 5...
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: The Hispanic World Unit
These lessons are designed for young scholars to conduct research to know the "hispanohablantes" in the world. Resources are included.
Adventure Learning Foundation
Adventure Learning Foundation: The Mexico Expedition
Take a tour through the country of Mexico in this enchanting site. Students will learn about the culture and visit with the people as they explore the geography, history, and environment of Mexico. It includes maps, classroom activities,...
Library of Congress
Loc: The Cultures and Histories of the Americas
An online exhibit of a vast array of documents, artifacts, and maps detailing cultures in the Americas including the indigenous groups as well as Europeans after contact. From the Library of Congress.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: Biographies: Hernando Cortes 1485 1547
Furnished is a brief summary of the life and explorations of Spanish explorer, Hernando Cortes. Take a look at the photos and maps of his journey of what today is called Mexico.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: Biographies: Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca
Gain insight into the life and adventures of Spanish explorer, Cabeza de Vaca, whose expeditions led him to Texas and Mexico.
Scholastic History Mystery: The Americas: Mexico
Students try to guess the mystery subject Carlotta Facts, the History Mystery Museum's professor, is studying. They read the clues, do some online and offline research, and then attempt to identify the game's mystery place, Mexico.
Scholastic: Global Trek: Mexico Questions and Answers
Students in Mexico answer questions about their lives, comparing their experiences to those of American children. They talk about popular names, celebrations, food, geography, social and environmental issues, the economy, history,...
US Department of State
U.s. Department of State: Consular Information Sheet: Mexico
This site has information for traveling in Mexico from the U.S. Department of State. Provides important information for safe travel and provides links to other official sites of particular interest to U.S. tourists.
Texas A&M University
Sons of De Witt Colony Texas: Green De Witt
Read some biographical detail about Green DeWitt, an empresario in Mexican Texas who founded the DeWitt Colony.
Texas A&M University
Sons of De Witt Colony Texas: Austin's Colony
A look into Austin's Colony, the first and largest Anglo-American settlement in Mexican Texas which was established by Stephen F. Austin in 1821.
Texas A&M University
Sons of De Witt Colony Texas: Bustamante's Decree of 1830
As part of the Law of April 6, 1830, read this reprinting of the Bustamante's Decree, which explicitly banned any further immigration from the United States to Texas.
Lizard Point Quizzes
Lizard Point: Mexico: Federal States Quiz
Try this interactive geography quiz which tests your knowledge about the federal states of Mexico.
Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies
Famsi: Mesoamerican Studies
The Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies Site contains the work of a few archeologists and an extensive bibliography page.
Mex Connect
Mexconnect: Francisco Pancho Villa
Biography on Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa who helped Madero and his fight for social reform. You'll find links at the bottom to full text articles.
All Refer Reference: Population / Ethnicity and Language
A look at the history of population patterns in Mexico and also a look at the two primary ethnic groups: mestizos and Indians.
InterKnowledge Corp.
Mexico: History and Culture
A complete history (with several pictures) of Mexico, including its major wars.
Mex Connect
Mex Connect: Glorious Innocent
This is an in-depth look at Francisco Madero, a revolutionary in Mexico fighting for social reform. You'll find out about his background, beliefs, accomplishments, and eventual downfall.