Read Works
Read Works: Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans: The Mayans
[Free Registration/Login Required] This informational text passage shares facts about the Mayan civilizations. This passage reinforces essential reading comprehension skills. Opportunities for vocabulary acquisition are also included....
Read Works
Read Works: Eruption!
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the Colima Volcano, and active volcano in Mexico called the "Volcano of Fire." A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Water: A Give and Take
[Free Registration/Login Required] This informational text passage discusses the Cave of Crystals in Mexico and the processes involved in its creation. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading...
Read Works
Read Works: North America Things You Should Know About Mexico
[Free Registration/Login Required] A list of facts about Mexico. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Mexicans
Provides an overview of the traditional culture and lifestyle of Mexicans. Gives basic facts about location, language, folklore, foods, social customs, family life, education, religion, pastimes, societal challenges, etc. (Note: Content...
Pbs News Hours: Q&a: Calderon Visits u.s. With Security, Immigration in Mind
Shannon O'Neil, Latin American studies fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. answers questions posed by PBS about Mexico's President Felipe Calderon's visit to the United States. The Q & A covers a range of issues from...
Migration Policy Institute
Migration Policy Institute: Us Mexico Migration
A special collection of articles, resources and data relating to United States-Mexico relations. Includes a country profile of Mexico and updated information on Bush's temporary worker program and US migration policy.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Renaissance Explorers
Overview of the motives behind the exploration of the "new world" during the Renaissance. Discusses the trading that took place between the "new world" and Europe and various riches offered in Mexico and Latin America.
A&E Television Struggle for Mexican Independence
Read about the progressive priest named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla who became the father of Mexican independence with a historic proclamation urging his fellow Mexicans to take up arms against the Spanish government.
A&E Television This Day in History:edwards Declares/texas Republic of Fredonia
In an act that foreshadowed the American rebellions to come, read this short account of how Benjamin Edwards rode into Mexican-controlled Nacogdoches, Texas, and proclaimed himself the ruler of the Republic of Fredonia.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: The World of the Aztecs Quiz
Take this interactive, multiple choice quiz over the Aztecs, and then check your answers for review after answering the questions.
Mc Donald's: Mexico
McDonald's provides a page dedicated to explaining its involvement in Mexico's emerging economy. It includes numerous photos of Mexican tourist sites and McDonald's restaurants.
National Initiatives Concerning Information and Communication Technology Mexico
This article describes how the Mexican school system is changing through the use of educational programming and television.
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas: Zapatistas Document Collection
This collection of documents, broadsides, pamphlets, books and magazines reflects the progress if the Zapatistas to get the government to pass into law a negotiated agreement safeguarding their lands and culture.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: The Rule of Porfirio Diaz 1909
Fordham University provides a discussion on the rule of dictator Porfirio Diaz. It talks about his accomplishments, history, beliefs, brutality, and corruption from the perspective of a contemporary historian of the time.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: Madero's 1910 Address to the Mexican People
Text of Francisco Madero's call to Mexicans to take up arms against the government, which marks the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.
Texas Bob: The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca
An English translation of Cabeza De Vaca's first-hand account of his journey and quest to claim territory from Florida to Mexico for Spain.
Pbs: The u.s. Mexico Border a History
This site has complete information about the U.S.-Mexico border. It has an interactive timeline of important border events and a morphing map that shows changes in the border.
Climate Zone
Climate in Mexico
Tables for the different climate regions in Mexico show the average monthly temperature, rainfall and snowfall in this North American country. General geographical information and a map are also included.
US Energy Information Administration
Energy Information Administration: Mexico
A report on Mexico's Oil Industry. Oil is the "cash cow" of Mexico and has been run by the state owned company Pemex. Includes many pictures, maps, and graphs to enhance the material.
Mexican Activities for Kids
Students of all ages will enjoy these creative art projects and recipes! Provides photo examples and step-by-step instructions.
Cnn en Espanol
Current weather conditions in different parts of Mexico from CNNenEspanol. Under "International Edition" other languages are available.
Brooklyn Expedition: Latin America
Excellent site about Latin America from the Brooklyn Children's Museum. Explore ancient beliefs and rituals, celebrations, culture, the land, animals, and the history of Latin America.