Mex Connect
Mexconnect: The Classic Period (300 900 Ce): Part 1/3
First in a three-part article that focuses on three Mesoamerican cities, beginning with Teotihuacan in present day Mexico.
Wikipedia: Pacific Ring of Fire
Wikipedia offers information on the location of the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Map included.
Mex Connect
Guadalajara and the Archeological Site of Iztepete
The article contains the background on the archeological site of Iztepete.
Mexico Geography Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Clim
Short country profile with location, geographic coordinates, comparison of size with US states, etc.
Green De Witt Colony: Green De Witt
A brief biography of the leader and founder of the DeWitt Colony in Texas, Green DeWitt.
Penguin Publishing
Penguin Random House: Laura Esquivel
Short biography of Laura Esquivel, the author of Like Water for Chocolate and other novels. This site presents her novel Ley del Amor.
Clari Net Internet Solutions: Mexico
Find out what time it is now in different parts of Mexico. Feel free to browse the times in other countries and regions from this site, too!
Indigenous Peoples' Lit.: Indigenous Nations of Mexico
A listing of the different indigenous groups of people in Mexico. Each group has its own page in which you can find information on their literature, songs, and culture. Additional links to other websites are provided.
Honorable Congreso Del Estado De Sinaloa
Official site of the State Congress of Sinaloa. The site covers the laws, legislators, and structure of the state legislatures.
Other The Velodrome in Toluca, Mexico
This site has informaiton and picture of Toluca Mexico as well as countries in the area.
Lone Star Internet: Sam Houston "The Raven" (1793 1863)
This detailed biography includes illustrations, quotations from Sam Houston (1793-1863 CE) about many aspects of life in his time, including education. Also includes personal information about his marriages and children.
Camelot Village: History of the World: Teotihuacan
A profile of this ancient, mesoamerican city-state that thrived from 50 CE to 900 CE.
Central America Travel Pictures
Presented are photos taken during a personal trip to the Central American countries of Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico. Click on the shaded part of the map to view images.
Pocantico Hills School: Mexico for Kids
A resource on Mexico for students and teachers. Contains plenty of information, activities, Spanish vocabulary, stories, and much more. Some links to external sites may not work as this is an older website.
Mexico Online: Mexican Legal System Overview
Mexico Online provides a lengthy overview of the Mexican court system including a comparison to the U.S. system, key elements, litigation, and more.
Mexico Travel Database: Rosarito
This resource contains information about Mexico, and many of the cities within the country. Specifically, this article provides information about the city of Rosarito.
Know & Enjoy Mexico: Mexicali
Very short description of the capital of the state of Baja California.
The Historical Text: Mexico's 19th Century Crisis
This history survey examines the issues that faced Colonial Mexico (New Spain), a vast territory characterized by a stable and responsive government, a wealthy and balanced economy, and a multiracial society that enjoyed considerable...
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Fundacion De Mexico Tenochtitlan
In Spanish. In this site by reading fragments of three different authors: Codice Ramirez, Fray Diego Duran and Francisco Javier Clavijero you can learn about the history of Tenochtitlan.
Guatemala Geography
Description of the mountains and canyons of Guatemala as well as the rainforest climate.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: La Noche Triste
In Spanish. Reading fragments of three different authors: Fernado de Alva Ixtlixochitl, Fray Diego Duran and Bernal Diaz del Castillo. Learn about one of the episodes of the conquest of Mexico known as "Sad Night".
Congreso Del Estado De Baja California
Official site of the State Congress of Baja California.