Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Intermediate Applied Microeconomics
An open course in intermediate microeconomics for those students needing a challenge. Includes list of suggested readings, lecture notes, assignments, exams, and study materials.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Market
An excellent introduction to the concept of markets. Also includes links to related topics.
Arizona Kids Net: The Consumer Demand Curve
This site goes into detail about the consumer demand curve and its functions. Colorful graphs are provided to make understanding real-life situations and examples easier.
Cornell University
Cornell University: Law School: Antitrust: An Overview
A brief overview of the term "antitrust", with a specific emphasis on the Sherman Antitrust Act which passed in 1890.
Foundation for Teaching Economics: Lesson 2: Opportunity Cost and Incentives
This lesson covers the National Content Standard 2: Marginal Decision Making. It provides key terms and concepts around scarcity forces, changing opportunity costs which affect incentives and choices. It includes links to a teacher's...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Chapter I: Welcome to Economics!: Key Terms
This is a list of economics key terms and definitions used in Chapter I: Welcome to Economics! of the TEA AP Macroeconomics online text.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ap Macroeconomics: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
By the end of this section, you will be able to describe microeconomics, describe macroeconomics, and contrast monetary policy and fiscal policy.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Green Eggs and Economics?
Economic concepts are often found in places students have never considered, like children's literature. In this lesson, students will explore the various economic concepts addressed in five of Dr. Seuss' most popular books: The Cat in...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Why the Private Sector Under Invests in Innovation
Read about how private companies tend to invest less than they should in innovation. (Hint: it's because many of the benefits are external).
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to Scarcity and the Economic Way of Thinking
In this exercise, practice what you have learned about learning objective MOD-1.A from the AP Macroeconomics course and exam description. Topics include the definitions of economics, microeconomics, and macroeconomics, positive and...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Price Elasticity of Demand and Its Determinants
Practice what you've learned about calculating and interpreting price elasticity of demand, as well as the determinants of price elasticity of demand, in this exercise. This resource is designed as a review for the AP Microeconomics Test...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Determinants of Price Elasticity and the Total Revenue Rule
Practice what you've learned about the relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue in this exercise. This resource is designed as a review for the AP Microeconomics Test or a college-level microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Price Elasticity of Demand and Price Elasticity of Supply
Quantities supplied and demanded react to changes in price. Students will learn about price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply in this instructional activity. This resource is designed for students who are taking a...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Elasticity in the Long Run and Short Run
The elasticity of supply or demand can vary based on the length of time you care about. This resource is designed for learners who are taking a college-level microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Elasticity and Tax Revenue
Read about how elasticity affects tax revenue. This resource is designed for students who are taking a college-level microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Changes in Factor Demand and Supply
Practice what you have learned about how changes in the supply of labor and the demand for labor affect wages and employment. This resource is designed as a review for the AP Microeconomics Test or a college-level microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Changes in Equilibrium
Practice finding a new equilibrium price and quantity when supply changes, demand changes, or both supply and demand are changing simultaneously.`This resource is designed as a review for the AP Microeconomics Test or a college-level...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Changes in Equilibrium Price and Quantity: The Four Step Process
Analyze some step-by-step examples of shifting supply and demand curves. This resource is designed for students who are taking a college-level microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Are Market Oriented Environmental Tools?
Market-oriented environmental tools are explained, and guided questions are provided. This article from Khan Academy is intended for students who are taking a microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Are Public Goods?
This resource explains what public goods are. This video lesson from Khan Academy is intended for students who are taking a microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Factors Change Demand?
Read about factors, besides price, that affect a quantity that is demanded. This resource is designed for students who are taking a college-level microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Factors Change Supply?
Read about about the many factors that affect the quantity supplied. This resource is designed for students who are taking a college-level microeconomics course.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Utility Maximization
Practice applying the utility maximization rule in this exercise.
Pbs: Other Types of Insurance
Create a presentation which informs the class on a particular type of insurance.