The Evolution of the Heart (A Love Story)
In order to understand where hearts came from, we have to go back to the earliest common ancestor of everything that has a heart. It took hundreds of millions of years, and countless different iterations of the same basic structure to...
How Do Oysters Make Pearls?
Quick Questions gives you the low-down on how oysters turn a tiny bit of gunk into a lovely, valuable pearl. ----------
TED-Ed: How do oysters make pearls? | Rob Ulrich
Despite their iridescent colors and smooth shapes, pearls are actually made of the exact same material as the craggy shell that surrounds them. Pearls, urchin spines, the shells of mussels, snails and clams, even coral— all these...
Professor Dave Explains
Phylum Mollusca Part 5: The Lesser Known Classes
It's time to wrap things up with the mollusks, so let's look at five smaller classes consisting of lesser known species. These are Polyplacophora, Monoplacophora, Scaphopoda, Solenogastres, and Caudofoveata. What kinds of creatures are...
Professor Dave Explains
Phylum Mollusca Part 1: General Introduction
We've covered most of Spiralia, but now it's time to dive into the final subclade, Lophotrochozoa. This contains several phyla, the most diverse of which is Mollusca. This phylum includes snails, slugs, octopuses, squids, oysters,...
Professor Dave Explains
Phylum Mollusca Part 2: Class Gastropoda (Slugs and Snails)
With an overview of phylum Mollusca complete, let's dive into the classes within this phylum, starting with the most diverse, Gastropoda. This one contains familiar creatures like snails and slugs, as well as lesser known organisms like...
Curated Video
I WONDER - Can Mollusks Be Eaten?
This video is answering the question of can mollusks be eaten.
Curated Video
I WONDER - What Animal Group Do Mollusks Belong To?
This video is answering the question of what animal group do mollusks belong to.
Curated Video
I WONDER - Do All Mollusks Live On Land?
This video is answering the question of do all mollusks live on land.
Curated Video
I WONDER - Do All Mollusks Have Shells?
This video is answering the question of do all mollusks have shells.
Visual Learning Systems
Simple Animals: Summing Up
Upon viewing the Simple Animals video series, students will be able to do the following:
Differentiate between and provide examples of vertebrate and invertebrate animals.
Describe the basic body parts of a sponge (porifera).
Visual Learning Systems
Simple Animals: Investigating Mollusks
Upon viewing the Simple Animals video series, students will be able to do the following:
Differentiate between and provide examples of vertebrate and invertebrate animals.
Describe the basic body parts of a sponge (porifera).
Mazz Media
Punctuated Equilibria and Speciation
Darwin saw evolution of new species as a slow process occurring over very long periods of time. Changes that lead to new species usually take place in small populations where genetic changes can accrue rapidly. This video will help...
Rachel's English
Learning English: AMERICAN ACCENT TRAINING—3 Consonant Clusters Made Easy! Part 1
If you’re learning English it’s important that you include American accent training in your studies. In this video I show you accent training exercises that you can use to pronounce three of the most difficult consonant clusters in...
Curated Video
It's a Seashell Day
The sun is shining, the waves are rolling in, the sandy beach is calling. It’s the perfect day for finding and collecting seashells! Join in the hunt, as a little boy and his mother share a fun day of digging in the sand and exploring...
Curated Video
Octopuses: Adaptations, Behavior, and Reproduction
This video provides a comprehensive overview of octopuses, also known as octopods. It discusses their characteristics, adaptability, and intelligence. It also touches on their solitary nature, mating behaviors, and reproductive...
It explains the salient points followed during feeding, rearing and breeding of aquatic animals.
Brainwaves Video Anthology
The Power of Learning from Young Minds
This video is about Shindy Johnson's experience teaching young children in a summer science program and learning about dichotomous keys through examining mollusks. The speaker reflects on how this experience helped them appreciate the...
Science Kids: Exploring the World of Invertebrates
This video is a lesson on invertebrates, the largest group in the animal kingdom. It explains the two main groups of animals - vertebrates and invertebrates - and focuses on the characteristics and examples of invertebrates. The video...
Professor Dave Explains
Introduction to Spiralia and Lophotrochozoa
It's time to start digging into Nephrozoa, which is going to take a really, really, really long time to cover. The first major clade within that we will tackle is Spiralia. This includes well-known phyla like Mollusca and Annelida, but...
Ancient Lights Media
Biological Classification - Worms & Molluscs
Biological Classification Set: This clip looks at the three major phyla of worms: the Platyhelminthes, Nematoda and Annelida. As well as examining the phylum Mollusca.
Visual Learning Systems
Introduction to Mollusks
This video provides a brief introduction to mollusks, a diverse group of invertebrate animals that includes clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, squid, and more. Additionally, it highlights the unique characteristics of cephalopods, such...
Curated Video
Pollution around Brest in Western France after oil tanker disaster.
1. gv tanker 2. various of man pushing a stick into the oil saturated water3. ms seaweed covered in oil4. gv shoreline, pan5. mcu hand picking seaweed and showing black...