5280 Math
Step by Step
One step at a time! A seemingly linear relationship becomes an entirely new type of function. Young scholars build their understanding of step functions by completing a three-stage activity that incorporates multiple representations of...
Mathematics Vision Project
Module 3: Features of Functions
Learn how to represent functions in multiple ways. Learners analyze functions as equations, graphs, and verbal descriptions. The analysis includes intercepts, behavior, domain, and range. The module of seven lessons makes up the third...
Mathematics Vision Project
Features of Functions
What are some basic features of functions? By looking at functions in graphs, tables, and equations, pupils compare them and find similarities and differences in general features. They use attributes such as intervals of...
Illustrative Mathematics
Bank Account Balance
Represent the ups and downs of a bank account. The two-part task points out that some types of graphs may better show discrete functions than others. Pupils analyze a graph on how well it represents the situation. They develop their own...
Balanced Assessment
Garages and Phones
Examine and compare a linear and step function. The task provides two scenarios, one modeled by a linear function and the other a step function. Pupils create a graph for each and explain how each compares to the other.
Balanced Assessment
Books from Andonov
To examine mathematical functions in a modeling situation pupils combine quadratic and step functions to represent a presented scenario. They both graph and write a function to represent data shown in a table.
West Contra Costa Unified School District
Graphing Piecewise Functions
Step up to learn about step functions. The instructional activity, designed for high schoolers, first covers piecewise functions and how to draw their graphs. It then introduces step functions, including the greatest integer...
University of Texas
A Library of Parent Functions
Don't think this lesson is for Mom and Dad; parent functions are all for your high schoolers. Flip through a presentation with a focus slide on each type of graph and its characteristics. Some examples are included but the...
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Unsure of Which Telephone Plan to Choose?
This online activity will help you use step functions as a means of determining the most appropriate calling package for your household.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: How Much Is That Phone Call?
Students will learn how step functions apply to real-world situations, about the notation associated with the greatest integer and least integer functions, and how to transform the greatest integer function.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Piecewise Functions
In this activity, students investigate piecewise functions for continuity and differentiability.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Recursive and Other Special Functions
This set of questions includes problems on recursive sequences, piecewise and step functions, and translations of functions. Questions are multiple choice, true/false, and short answer with solutions included.
Math Words
Math Words: Step Function
This MathWords.com site describes a step function by offering the defining graphical characteristics.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Algebra I: Evaluate Step Functions
Given the graph of a step function, find the function's outputs for given specific inputs. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: F if Bank Account Balance
This task introduces the concept of a step function. It is about the changing balance in a bank account as money is deposited and removed. Aligns with HSF-IF.C.7.b.
Math Graphs
Houghton Mifflin: Math Graphs: Heaviside Step Function [Pdf]
Students sketch transformations of the Heaviside step function. The step function is available in PDF format.