Towson University
Towson University: Online Writing Support: Usage
This entry provides links to usage entries such as misplaced modifiers, subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, etc.
Arcademics: Giraffe Karts
Deterime which verb follows the subject verb agreement after the given word.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Grammar (English I Writing)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Edit sample writing for correct grammar.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Making Verbs Agree With Relative Pronouns
A tutorial explaining that relative pronouns "that", "which", and "who" can be singular or plural, so be sure to check to be sure you are using the correct verb, singular or plural, in your sentence. A brief quiz checks your understanding.
Wisc Online: Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 2
This is a 20-question exercise/quiz matching subjects and verbs in number.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Edit Drafts for Grammar, Mechanics, and Spelling
This lesson's focus is limited to the editing process for writing conventions: subject-verb agreement, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Grammar (English Ii Writing)
This lesson focuses on finding and fixing grammar errors in your writing. It includes strategies for locating errors such as reading your paper aloud to see if your are missing words. It also provides practice with subject-verb agreement...
Bbc: Skillswise: Verb Subject Agreement
How can you make sure you get the right verb form? Use this BBC Skillswise factsheet, worksheet, and quiz to learn more about subject-verb agreement.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin, Madison: Subject Verb Agreement
This excellent site explains numerous guidelines, complete with examples, for determining subject-verb agreement.
English Channel: Subject Verb Agreement With Correlative Conjunctions
A brief explanation of the subject-verb agreement rules when using correlative conjunctions is followed by a practice exercise.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: 13.1: Common Errors in Grammar and Punctuation
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Explanations and examples that teach how to identify and correct errors in subject/verb agreement, comma splices, sentence fragments, capitalization of titles and...
University of Calgary
University of Calgary: Subject Verb Agreement
This site begins with a general rule on subject-verb agreement, then gives three different examples of understanding the subject-verb agreement. The site also discusses rules for verb agreement with definite and indefinite pronoun...
Pbs Learning Media: Make Sure Your Subjects and Verbs Agree
A verb is the action word of the sentence and it must agree with the subject, or main character, of the sentence. When the subject is singular, a verb needs an "s", but when the subject is plural, we can drop the "s". [0:41]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Intro to Verb Agreement
Choose the appropriate form of the verb by asking yourself: 'How many things is the sentence about?'
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Subject Verb Agreement
Agreement is the art of making sure that sentence parts connect with one another.
Ab Cya: Later Gator Subject Verb Agreement
Grimy Gators are popping out of the city sewers! Remember your subject-verb agreement rules to get rid of them. Read the subject at the top of the screen, then click on the verbs which agree with that subject.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
Pronouns and their antecedents need to agree in number.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Subject Verb Agreement: Quick Guide
This article focuses on subject-verb agreement with an explanation, tips to help to determine the correct subject-verb agreement, and a practice exercise with explanation.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Writer's Complex: Nouns and Their Verbs
Subject and verb agreement explained, including information on irregular verbs and "trick singular" subjects. Throughout this material, subjects are simple called nouns. Exercises included.
NC State University
Nc State: Grammar
A lesson plan using a word processor to correct common grammar mistakes.
TESL Journal
Activities for Esl Students: Subject Agreement Quiz
This site from The Internet TESL Journal provides twenty questions to test your knowledge of proper verb usage for has or have. You choose the correct answer and if you're correct, the next question is displayed. If you're wrong, the...
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Subject Verb Agreement Exercises
This resource offers five interactive subject-verb agreement exercises with accompanying printable handouts.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Subject Verb Agreement: Exercise 5
In this 25-question exercise, students choose the correct present tense of the verb for each sentence. There is a downloadable handout available. Java is required.
Quia: Subject Verb Agreement Quiz
In this practice exercise/quiz, students select the correct verb form for each of the 30 questions.