Core Knowledge Foundation
Third Grade Skills Unit 6: Gods, Giants, and Dwarves
The halfway mark of a series offers final skills practice in spelling patterns, suffixes, and building sentences with conjunctions in preparation for assessments that gauge proficiency. Remediation and enrichment follow the test results...
Core Knowledge Foundation
Greek Myths Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Anthology
A unity covers Greek mythology through read-alouds and activities. Fourteen lessons share a new story that pupils discuss, then complete word work and extension opportunities. Topics include the gods of Mount Olympus, Hercules, and more.
Curated OER
Comparative Mythology and the Common Core
Use comparative mythology to make myths relevant for readers and help prepare them for rigorous Common Core texts.
Curated OER
Look in the Mythic Mirror: I've Got Rhythm!
Learners explore the relationships between music, poetry, and visual art. Using the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, pupils develop an awareness of the compositional elements of the Classical style, and the aesthetic effects of those...
Curated OER
How To Demystify Mythology for Your Learners
Use visual aids and live performances to help connect ancient myths to human emotions.
Curated OER
Myths, Folktales, & Fairy Tales
Introduce the concept of myths to your class. Using the link to "Myths Around the World," read a story aloud and have learners list characteristics of a myth. Readers then choose their own myths from the site and work in groups to answer...
Curated OER
The Legendary Raptors
How are raptors and airplanes alike? Combine science and language arts in this fun and interactive project. Young scientists research the animal in order to design their own aircraft, and compete in a contest for farthest, fastest, and...
Curated OER
"No News Like Ancient News"
Want to know more about Ancient history? Young historians will read a minimum of two web sites to complete the chart "Residents of Olympus". They choose one Greek god or goddess to research. This could be a small group activity or...
Curated OER
Whether studying metaphors or Greek mythology, this labyrinth project is a fantastic lesson plan to add to your unit. It includes two versions of the labyrinth; making it with yarn or stone. If your materials are limited, you can even...
Curated OER
Star Stories
An unusually inventive and entertaining presentation awaits you and your class. The first few slides introduce the animals that certain constellations represent. There are also creative stories by other students of fictitious animals...
Curated OER
HIV and AIDS: Rights & Responsibilities
Address myths and stereotypes surrounding HIV and AIDS in this lesson plan. Students discuss how the disease is transmitted, how to properly apply a condom, and how to handle real life situations. Note: A number of extension activities,...
Curated OER
Dispel the many myths and misunderstandings for teens regarding pregnancy. Health students discuss the reproductive system, how conception occurs, and review new information through an excellent in-class game. Some wonderful blackline...
Academy of American Poets
Teach This Poem: "Instructions on Not Giving Up" by Ada Limón
What do the myth of the phoenix bird and Ada Limón's poem "Instructions on Not Giving Up" have in common? Young scholars create a list of what they notice about both the myth and poem, then consider what the similarities might indicate...
Utah Education Network (UEN)
8th Grade Poetry: Assess
Eighth graders craft a Petrarchan sonnet and respond to a performance assessment to demonstrate what they have learned in this five-lesson poetry unit.
Utah Education Network (UEN)
8th Grade Poetry: A to Z Poem
A two-part lesson asks eighth graders first to draw connections between the myth of Aengus and William Butler Yeats' poem "The Song of Wandering Aengus." In the second part of the lesson, writers craft an "A to Z Poem."
The Sirens: Is It a Bird or Is It a Fish?
Fish, fowl, foul fish, or foul fowl? Just what is a siren? Young scholars listen to a video clip and draw what they imagine when they hear the word "siren." After watching several videos depicting sirens, class members read "The Sirens'...
Anti-Defamation League
“They Don’t Know Me”: Exposing the Myths and Establishing the Facts about Immigration
Middle schoolers engage in a lesson that teaches them to distinguish myths from facts about United States immigration. Class members take an immigration quiz, watch a "What Would You do" video, and discuss how they could be an ally to...
National Endowment for the Humanities
The Metamorphoses and Later Works of Art: A Comparison of Mythic Imagery
In a lesson on The Metamorphoses, scholars compare how graphic artists use mythic imagery to represent Ovid's tales. Each group selects a work of art paired with Ovid's version of a myth and compares how both present the story.
National Endowment for the Humanities
The Metamorphoses and Modern Poetry: A Comparison of Mythic Characters
To gain an appreciation of the power of point of view, class members compare Ovid's version of the myth of "Orpheus and Eurydice" with that used by H.D. in her poem, "Eurydice." Individuals then craft a reflection in which they use...
National Endowment for the Humanities
The Metamorphoses and Genesis: A Comparison of Creation-Flood Stories
Creation and destruction. Scholars use a Venn diagram to compare the creation story in Ovid's The Metamorphoses with that in the book of Genesis. Pupils then note differences between the two texts and offer suggestions for why the texts...
Simon & Schuster
Curriculum Guide to: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The activities in a curriculum guide to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein provide readers with an opportunity to explore various concepts in depth. First, groups research controversial scientists, examine their work, and decide whether or not,...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Vaccine Safety
Enter the debate on vaccines. Small groups research topics related to vaccine safety in the last lesson in a unit of five. In the process of the research, team members learn how to determine the validity and credibility of a website. The...
Determining Theme: Reading Myths in “Expert Groups”
Leave it to the experts. Scholars work in expert groups to analyze new myths. Each group is assigned to become an expert on either The
Fates, The Story of Medusa and Athena, or Theseus and the Minotaur. They answer questions and...
Connecting the Theme of the Expert Group Myth to a Theme in The Lightning Thief and to Life Lessons
Expert groups discuss the theme of their myths and the life lessons people learn from it. They then regroup their triads so that there is a pupil from each expert myth group and share details about their myths. The class also talks about...