Lesson Plan

Keys and Passwords

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Scholars explore the relationship between cipher keys and passwords and as they learn more about the Vigenere cipher and continue to read from the book Blown to Bits in the seventh lesson of the series. They conduct an activity where...
Lesson Plan

Rapid Research – Data Innovations

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Scholars conduct research into a computing innovation of their choice and figure out how it uses data. They prepare brief reports of their research in the second installment of the series.

Practice Performance Task - Security and Hacking in the Real World

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Young computer scientists create a visual artifact that represents their research into a computing innovation in the world of cybersecurity. They then work individually to write an essay on the impact of technology on cybersecurity.
Lesson Plan

Public Key Cryptography

For Students 9th - 12th
Investigate how public key cryptography works. Scholars continue their study of one-way functions and asymmetric keys and apply this information to public key cryptography. They use an app to explore public key cryptography and its...
Lesson Plan

Asymmetric Keys – Cups and Beans

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Beans are for more than just counting! Introduce public key cryptography with cups and beans and ask scholars to use the beans to send secret numbers. Participants learn how this activity relates to public key cryptography and asymmetric...
Lesson Plan

One-way Functions – The WiFi Hotspot Problem

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Pupils attempt to solve the Wireless Hotspot Problem and learn why it is considered a computationally hard problem in the ninth lesson plan of the series on 12. They also learn about one-way functions and how the Wireless Hotspot Problem...
Lesson Plan

Hard Problems – Traveling Salesperson Problem

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Even computers find this to be a hard problem. In the eighth installment of a 12-part unit, young computer scientists learn about the traveling salesperson problem. They formulate algorithms to solve the problem and find out why it is...
Lesson Plan

What is Big Data?

For Students 9th - 12th
Find out why Big Data is a big deal in the first installment of a 12-part unit that introduces young computer scientists to Big Data and demonstrates how it is useful. In pairs, class members research a big data tool to uncover the...
Lesson Plan

Identifying People with Data

For Students 9th - 12th
How much information about you is out there? Scholars explore this question as they investigate data breaches and how these violations occur. They then take part in an activity where they research how easily people could get access to...
Lesson Plan

The Cost of "Free"

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Explore the trade-offs of using a free app. The fourth installment of a 12-part unit helps young consumers discover the cost of receiving a free service. They learn how these apps make use of their access to data.
Lesson Plan

The Need for Encryption

For Students 9th - 12th
Scholars investigate the need for encryption as they read a portion of the book Blown to Bits and discuss encryption techniques. They finish by attempting to decode a message written using a Caesar cipher.
Lesson Plan

Cracking the Code

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Scholars learn how to crack secret codes as they continue reading from the Blown to Bits and try to crack the random substitution cipher. They also begin learning about the Vigenere cipher. 

Practice PT – Improve Your App

For Students 9th - 12th
The last installment of a 21-part unit is a practice performance task that asks class members to design an app using skills from the unit. Scholars take one of the previous apps from the unit and modify it by adding elements and making...
Lesson Plan

Canvas and Arrays in Apps

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Scholars learn how to make a digital canvas and fill it with artwork by creating a drawing app using the canvas element. The activity requires learners to previous knowledge of arrays and return commands to draw images.
Lesson Plan

Functions with Return Values

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Young computer scientists explore how to use the return command in computer programing by playing Go Fish. They learn about functions that return values and then write a turtle driver app using the return function. 
Lesson Plan

Processing Arrays

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Scholars use a playing card activity to help them develop a program to find the minimum value of a list. They learn to use for loops to write code that will process lists. 
Lesson Plan

Image Scroller with Key Events

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Discover how to embed images in lists. Scholars modify an existing app to include an image scroller in the 17th lesson of the series. They learn to refactor code and remove redundancies after modifying code.
Lesson Plan

Introduction to Arrays

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How can you store lists in a computer program? The 16th installment of a 21-part unit introduces arrays as a way to store lists within a variable. Individuals program a list of their favorite things—adding interest to the activity.
Lesson Plan

Looping and Simulation

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Young computer scientists continue programming with while loops by creating a program to simulate coins flipping. 
Lesson Plan

While Loops

For Students 9th - 12th
Bring your pupils in the loop with while loops. Scholars learn how to modify conditional statements to produce while loops in the 14th activity of the series. They use flowcharts to understand loops and then program some examples of loops.
Lesson Plan

Digital Assistant Project

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Scholars apply previously learned skills to create a functional computer program. They produce a digital assistant incorporating string commands and complex conditional logic.
Lesson Plan

Compound Conditional Logic

For Students 9th - 12th
Scholars explore compound conditional logic and learn to use the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT within conditional statements by incorporating these operators to improve a previously created app.
Lesson Plan

Introduction to Conditional Logic

For Teachers 9th - 12th
On one condition ... explore how to use conditionals within conditionals. Scholars apply conditional statements to improve upon the app they built during a previous lesson. They also learn about nested conditionals in the 11th lesson of...
Lesson Plan

Understanding Program Flow and Logic

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Explore decision-making logic in programming computer games. The 10th installment of a 21-part unit teaches scholars how to apply conditional statements and Boolean expressions. They use these concepts to create a "Guess My Number" game...