Amistad Digital Resource: Pop Culture
General overview of African American pop-culture in the mid 20th-century highlighting music, art, theater, and sports.
Everything ESL
Everything Esl: Tale of the Tooth Fairy
Teach about American culture while developing language, listening and reading skills. This lesson plan includes the TESOL goals and standards.It provides many follow up activities.
Everything ESL
Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Teach your ESL students about Dr. Martin Luther King. This lesson plan includes the TESOL standards. You will find downloads and audio clips.
Everything ESL
Everything Esl: In 1492, Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
Help your ESL students understand the role of Columbus in the history of America. Take the opportunity to teach map skill. This lesson plans include the TESOL standards and many downloads.
Everything ESL
Pumpkin Carving for K 2 Students
Introduce your ESL students to the American celebration of Halloween with these activities for Kindergarten through grade 2. PDF pumpkin patterns are prominently provided!
Digital History
Digital History: History of Private Life an Overview
Digital History provides a look at various cultures and traditions of mankind through the ages. Discusses the purpose and values of the private life.
The Baltimore Album Quilt Tradition
An online exhibit of quilts made in Maryland especially the "album quilt" which often contained pictorial images of urban Baltimore life. Learning activities and extra resources are included.
Scholastic: New York Times Upfront: The New Face of America
Article examined the rising numbers of young people who identify themselves as being multiracial and provides information on the trends and implications to American society. March 14, 2011
International Quilt Museum
The University of Nebraska - Lincoln has created a graduate program in Textile History with an emphasis on quilt studies to nurture the appreciation of quilts as an art and for their cultural significance in history. Their International...
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: Face to Face Blog
A blog written by a National Portrait Gallery team highlighting stories of American people, art, and history.
NPR: National Public Radio
Npr: Immigration in America
This site is provided for by National Public Radio. There has been some time since the 9/11 tragedy when Americans were upset with immigration laws. Where is America now? How do Americans look at immigrants and the diversity they bring...
Legal Guide for Immigrants to Maine
Comprehensive but easily understood legal guide for noncitizens in Spanish and English. Though directed to immigrants to Maine, the basic principles apply to immigrants to any state in the United States.
U.s. Coast Guard: International Military Student Guide to American Culture
The U.S. Coast Guard has taken American culture and condensed it for foreigners coming to the United States. Topics include major cultural elements, verbal greetings, classroom etiquette, slang, etc. This guide has generalizations and...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Us History: 1800 1848: Quiz 3
A quick comprehension check over reform movements in the US during the mid 1800s.
Digital History
Digital History: Entering a New Century
As the U.S. approached the new century, it was an appropriate time to reflect on the accomplishments and failures of the 1900s both within the country and internationally.
University of Houston
University of Houston: Engines of Our Ingenuity: No. 445: An American Revolution
After the American Revolution, creativity began to flourish as writers and Romantic poets inspired the nation to re-invent itself. That public sensibility is briefly described in this article, which is a transcript of a radio broadcast.
History Teacher
Historyteacher.net: American Society: 1800 1860: Quiz (1)
This 12-question multiple choice quiz is immediately scored and covers developments in American society between 1800-1860.
A Perfect Fit: The Garment Industry and American Jewry, 1860 1960
Discussion of the role American Jewish immigrants played in the success of the garment industry from Levi Jeans to Florsheim shoes. This exhibition highlights the impact these immigrants had on the world of fashion through images,...
Life in the Usa: American Culture: Country and Western Music
This site gives a brief definition and history of country and western music.
Everything ESL
Sensitize Your Mainstream Students
Help your mainstream students become active participants in the acculturation of the newly arrived ESL students in your class. Mainstream students will become more open and sensitive to the ESL students.
Center for a New American Dream
Has the American Dream become jaded? Has it turned into a materialistic nightmare? The New American Dream center has information to keep the Dream alive and healthy.
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Culture Trip Using Desktop Publishing
This impressive lesson plan has students designing a cultural project using the computer.