Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Patterns in Nature

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Are there patterns in nature that can be described by numbers? That is what we will find out here.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Trimester Assessment Day

For Teachers 2nd
It is important to assess understandings of concepts that students have worked on before moving ahead with new concepts or higher level thinking.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Let's Review

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Revisit, Revisit, Revisit! Students need repeated exposure to math concepts to really understand how they work.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Using a Pattern to Solve a Problem

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Patterns are prevalent in all levels of math. Common Core Standards expect students to be able to use structure - like that found in repeating the patterns of odd and even numbers or counting by 5s or 10s - to solve problems (MP7).
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Moving Into Thousands

For Teachers 2nd Standards
To make sense of numbers in the thousands, 2nd grade students need practice identifying place value positions and using place value strategies in numbers to 1,000.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Unit 3 Assessment

For Teachers 2nd Standards
It is important to assess students periodically to plan for future lessons to meet student needs.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Time and Money

For Teachers 2nd Standards
As the result of a Unit assessment, it was found that students showed some confusion with writing time and with adding sets of coins. These skills need to be reviewed to aid in mastery of the Common Core standards for time and money.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Missing Number Equations

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders will become more comfortable making sense of equations presented in missing answer (traditional) and missing number ( nontraditional) formats.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Making Change Using Partners of One Hundred

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Using dimes to make change is another way to work with subtracting tens within 100.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Subtracting With Partners of 100

For Teachers 2nd Standards
When subtracting ten from a 2 digit number, 2nd graders should be able to compute the answer as fluently and comfortably as do when they add ten to a 2 digit number.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: It Is About Time

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders worked on telling time to the hour and half hour earlier in the year. Now they will apply their understanding of counting by 5s to telling time to the five minute interval.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: More Dimes and Dollars

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders need practice using coins and dollars and relating them to ones, tens and hundreds. Common Core standards include counting by 10s and 100s.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Balancing and Comparing Data

For Teachers 2nd Standards
The connection between subjects is an important one to establish for students. Communicating across subjects is part of the Common Core expectations.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Where on the Line?

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Do you know where a number would be? Can you use a number line as a tool to solve problems?
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Change Unknown Word Problems With Number Lines

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders solve change unknown story problems using a number line. This lesson gives students a new strategy to attach change unknown word problems.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Manipulation Central

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Not everyone solves a problem in the same way. Reinforcing that different strategies can be used effectively is the goal of this lesson.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Mentally Speaking!

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Using base ten blocks and place value, 2nd graders explore how to become more fluent in adding and subtracting two-digit numbers without regrouping.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Patterns Make Ten

For Teachers 2nd Standards
This lesson builds a foundation for adding larger numbers which is supported by the Common Core standards for second grade.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Our Understanding of Numbers

For Teachers 2nd Standards
This lesson is an informal assessment of student understanding of the base ten system, a critical area in the Common Core.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Lucky Luggage Tags: An International Challenge

For Teachers 3rd Standards
This lesson solidifies students' understanding of time to the hour (while enriching with basic geography content) and continues to build back up to 3rd grade goal of time to the minute.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Variables

For Teachers 3rd Standards
Children will learn the term variable and then work to "attack" a problem using what they know about the relationship between multiplication and division to solve for an unknown.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Powerful Protein

For Teachers 3rd Standards
The ability to making informed decisions about nutrition is built on using multiplication, division, and an understanding of grams and portion size.
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Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Testing Trail Mix

For Teachers 3rd Standards
Create a snack for testing week while practicing division and multiplication.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Associative Property With Manipulatives

For Teachers 3rd Standards
Children need to understand why the mathematical properties work and how they are applied. In this lesson, we explore modeling and "proving" the associative property. In this lesson, we explore modeling and "proving" the associative...