Cool Math
Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Tessellations
Tessellations are explained and described at this website. Three basic rules are given for creating tessellations.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 8.g Tile Patterns Ii: Hexagons
Eighth graders are presented with a pattern of octagon tiles. They are asked to answer questions about angle measures and hexagonal arrangements. Aligns with 8.G.A.5.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 8.g Tile Patterns I: Octagons and Squares
Eighth graders are presented with a tile pattern showing an apparent square surrounded by four octagons. They are asked to answer a question about congruency and angle measurements, as well as prove that the interior shape is really a...
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Semiregular Tessellations
This one page Mathworld site has a number of examples of semiregular tessellations. A definition and a small amount of related information is given at the bottom of the page.
Math Cats
Math Cats: Visit Tessellation Town on Tile Island!
Go to Tessellation Town on Tile Island and create a variety of tessellations.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Building Stars
This interactive activity gives you an opportunity to color in a tessellation that is different from the usual. Read the short introduction to find out more about this tessellation that doesn't repeat.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Shapely Tiling
On this one page interactive website expand your logic, Motion Geometry and pattern recognition knowledge while working on this challenge. The solution is available to double check your solution.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: Patios
Does bigger perimeter mean bigger area? Answer this question when you try this math challenge from the NCTM Math Challenges for Families series. Discover how understanding area and perimeter can be useful in real world situations.