Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Staying Afloat Financially in the 21st Century
This instructional activity will help young scholars identify how to make good decisions which will help them financially in the future. Students will identify how to take their own wants and work them into a form of a personal budget....
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Big Banks, Piggy Banks
Use this informative economics lesson plan. Find out how to save your money. "You will read about safe places for keeping money; you also will learn about places where money can earn money."
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Opportunity Cost
Consumers are faced with tough choices because so many innovative and exciting products and services are available. Therefore, engraining a decision-making process that includes considering of opportunity cost is necessary to shape...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Should I Use Cash or Credit?
This is a lesson plan presented by EconEdLink that delivers the dilemma of cash or credit. Includes background information, a problem-solving grid, and great questions.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Mobile Phones Matter
A lesson exploring whether or not mobile phones matter when it comes to financial management and financial decision-making.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Break a Leg
In this lesson, students will learn about the basic components and terminology of individual health insurance. Students will make decisions about the value of insurance protection and you will identify trends in the cost of medical care...
Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: The Pickle Patch Bathtub [Pdf]
A lesson based on The Pickle Patch Bathtub by Frances Kennedy, where young scholars learn about making choices in how to spend money, and how to set goals and develop a savings plan.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Timing Is Everything
In the first part of the lesson, learners examine the incentives and opportunity costs of spending and saving in a teacher directed lesson. The remainder of the lesson is an interactive website. Students work through problems that...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Classroom Cash Incentive Plan
Learn more about the economy through this informative lesson. "In this lesson, you will learn how the incentive program affects the personal choices you make in class. You will also analyze how economic incentives can affect behavior."
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Deregulation and the California Utilities
"The verdict is in: California's experiment with energy deregulation is not just a mess; it's a certifiable failure, according to everyone from the state governor to the very utilities that initially backed the scheme." This is how...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: You Decide!
Think about a difficult decision you have had to make. After you decided did it work out? Why or why not? Why do you think decisions and choices are hard to make? We make personal decisions and we make decisions as groups. There is a...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Incentives Influence Us
Find out more about the concept of incentives in our economy through this lesson plan. "You will identify incentives used at home and school."
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Costs and Benefits of 'The Three Little Pigs'
Find out what the definition of a cost and a benefit is in terms of the economy when using this site. "When making a decision, students should consider the costs and the benefits of that decision."
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Opportunity Cost
Website with short video [0:20] and quiz teaches the concept of opportunity cost. Links to related material and lessons.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Off to Interactive Island
This activity provides a fun way to explore concept of economic decision making. In the lesson, students are given a limited number of "tokens" and asked to exchange those tokens for goods in preparation for pioneering in a new land....
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Dynamic Decision Making
Students will be introduced to the PACED Model and learn to use the parts of the model-- Problem, Alternatives, Criteria, and Evaluation- in solving problems and making decisions. They will practice using the model in decisions about...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: A Penny Saved Is a Penny at 4.7% Earned
There are lots of ways to receive income, and lots of ways to spend it. In this EconomicsMinute you will develop two budgets to help you decide how to allocate your income. Assuming you do not love making dollar bill rings.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: A Penny Saved Is a Penny at 4.7% Earned
This is a lesson from EconEdLink where students learn about saving money. Includes activities and materials.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Green Eggs and Economics?
Economic concepts are often found in places students have never considered, like children's literature. In this lesson, students will explore the various economic concepts addressed in five of Dr. Seuss' most popular books: The Cat in...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: The Economics of Homebuying
This instructional activity analyzes the costs and benefits of homeownership and asks the student to describe the factors that affect affordability, use cost-benefit analysis and knowledge of home-buying procedures to reduce the costs,...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: It's a Matter of Power
Students examine tradeoffs and profit- maximization decisions in the case study of Kaiser Aluminum, which decided to shut down aluminum production in favor of reselling electricity.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Production Possibilities Curve
Students will apply the concepts of scarcity, choice, and opportunity costs using a production possibilities curve. Students will interpret points inside and outside the curve. As an extension, students will see the relationship between...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Should Le Bron James Mow His Own Lawn?
This instructional activity will discuss absolute advantage, comparative advantage, specialization and trade with an example using professional basketball player LeBron James.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Specialization and the Decathlon
This activity uses results from the 2008 Summer Olympic Games to explain that athletes specialize in sports and events for which they are most skilled for the same reasons that individuals and nations specialize in the production of...