Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Special Topics in Art History: Creating and Conserving
A course on art conservation and on art media and techniques. Should be cross-checked against
California State University
California State University: Colors and Mural Painting
Each student will create a nonobjective painting using a straw. The class will then combine each painting into one large mural. Selected poetry and music accompanies this lesson plan.
California State University
Magic Bubble Prints
What a great, messy lesson to do with young learners! Create your own soap/paint solutions and let your student create paintings by blowing bubbles. The lesson is accompanied by a wonderful children's book. Kids will love this!
Design and Colour
A site by watercolor artist John Lovett. He describes the Elements of Art and Principles of Design and gives tips and techniques for watercolor painting and for composition.
Wiki How: How to Mix Colors Properly
A quick review of the color wheel and some tips on how to mix colors with paint.
The National Gallery (UK)
National Gallery, London: Dirk Bouts the Entombment
This audio analysis of Dirk Bouts' painting reveals his unique style of painting and explains why it is so rare.
Alfred Currier
This site offers images of paintings done by a contemporary artist using the impasto technique.
Create a Mood With Color Key
Clearly defines high and low key color pallets. Provides visual examples and links to other color concepts. Attention is directed to watercolor painting, but can be applied to other painting methods.