Members of Parliament and Candidates: Find Your Member
Elections Canada provides a great resource for helping you find who your member of Parliament is and what electoral district they represent. Allows several different search methods in the FAQ page including postal code, alphabetical, or...
University of Victoria (Canada)
University of Victoria: The Puritans and the Parliament
This resource provides a brief description of the political battles waged in the English Parliament between the monarchy and the Puritans. Discussion begins with the reign of Elizabeth I and continues through to that of Charles I.
Hillcrest: England and Its Colonies [Pdf]
A textbook chapter about England and its relationship to its American colonies. Included are maps and map questions, study help, and assessments.
British Civil Wars, Commonweath, and Protectorate: The Bishops' Wars
Describes in detail the conflict between England and Scotland that took place between 1639-1640.
Tom Richey
Tom richey.net: Introduction to English Constitutionalism
A PowerPoint presentation created by a history teacher that teachers can use in their classroom. This presentation focuses on the emergence of the English constitution.
Member of Parliament: Stockwell Day
The Hon. Stockwell Day's official Parliament website which tells what committees he is on and what he is doing while he is in Parliament.
Curated OER
Privy Council Chamber From 1878 1882, in the Parliament Buildings
National Library of Canada website "By Executive Decree" explains the role of the Privy Council and the comparative tradition to British government. The Clerk of the Privy Council is in charge of administering the relationship between...
Curated OER
Prime Minister and Cabinet of the Dominion of Canada, Members of Parliament
National Library of Canada website "By Executive Decree" explains the role of the Privy Council and the comparative tradition to British government. The Clerk of the Privy Council is in charge of administering the relationship between...