Chem Tutor
Chemtutor: Heating Curve Problems
Nice set of problems dealing with the concept of a heating curve. Students can click on the question and get immediate feedback on their answer.
Ducksters: Kids Science: Water
Kid's learn about the science and chemistry of water. Molecule H20 and states such as ice, liquid, and vapor.
Chem4 Kids: Looking for a Gas
This overview of gases explores what a gas is and how matter becomes a gas.
Oregon Freeze Dry/how Freeze Drying Works
The process and benefits of freze-drying foods is discussed. The application of sublimation principles to the process is explained and illustrated.
Curated OER
Clouds Are Water Vapor
This overview of gases explores what a gas is and how matter becomes a gas.
Curated OER
Carnegie Mellon: Vapor Pressure Tank
Basic design of a demonstration machine that will lower the vapor pressure and cause water to evaporate at room temperature.