Practical Money Skills
Visa: Practical Money Skills for Life: Financial Football
Football-themed game tests your consumer-finance aptitude regarding interest, banking, credit, budgeting, saving, and spending.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Econ Ed Link Collection
Use this collection of economic education lessons for K-12 teachers and students to improve financial literacy. One interesting feature is "This Day In Economic History," a calendar which identifies an interesting event for each day,...
Practical Money Skills
Visa: Practical Money Skills for Life
Visa provides a resource that teachers, parents, and students will all enjoy using. There are lesson plans here for all ages, as well as information about spending decisions, budgeting, and money management. Print your own play money,...
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Web Math: Math for Everyone
Provides online programs and explanations on everyday math: calculating a tip at a restaurant, determining the sale price of an item, finding the odds of winning a lottery, computing simple and compound interest, and more.
Cnn Money: Tax Guide
Information about taxes including paying taxes, filing a return, audits, tax planning.
Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia: Let's Get Financially Focused! [Pdf]
Should I use credit? This lesson plan provides some insight into why or when it is good to use credit, versus why or when it is not.
University of Missouri
Wise Pockets: Personal Finance Lesson Plans, Grades 3 6
The Wise Pockets World Schoolhouse presents a dozen lesson plans based on children's books and teaching money management. All include lesson descriptions, cross-curricular connections, instructional objectives, activity sheets,...
My Money
This Federal Government website provides consumers with many resources and much information to help them to manage their money better. Topics include budgeting, taxes, saving, investing, retirement planning, credit, and checking...
Thinkport Education
Maryland Public Television: Sense and Dollars
Engaging, fun tutorials and interactive games related to earning, spending, saving, and budgeting money.
Met Life: Monthly Expense Record [Pdf]
This site provides a form for keeping track of monthly expenses, with space for housing, food, and transportation expenditures.
Biz Kids: Break the Bank
In this interactive game, you are a worker at a community bank, helping customers get good loans and save for their future. However, the terrible Mr. Boar and his clerks from a payday loan company have infiltrated your bank! Rally the...
Biz Kids: Bring Home the Bacon
Bring Home the Bacon is an exciting interactive way to learn the concept of supply and demand. More demand, more customers, but don't get too carried away because upgrading your investments might be worth the wait!
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo is a "diversified financial services company that provides a broad range of banking, asset banking, wealth management, and corporate and investment banking products and services." Includes information on the company and its...
Education Development Center
Tune in to Learning: Is Paying Over Time a Smart Move?
At T.V. 411 you can explore the concept of paying over time with situations involving credit cards, rent to own items, and more. This interactive lesson gives the learner an opportunity to make decisions about money management.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Creating a Household Budget
For this Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum PowerPoint module, students create a household budget by tracking their expenditures over a month-long period. Students use Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet to track their own...
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Save a Million
Practical skills in finance and economics teach students about saving, budgeting, and retirement. Students can calculate what it takes to become a millionaire based on their age and income.
Visa: What's My Score
When you are ready for a car, for a place of your own, for nice furniture, would you be able to charge it on a credit card? Here's a site that can give you great advice about building good credit when you head out on your own.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants: Feed the Pig
What kind of saver are you? Save the Pig has great tips and tools to help you identify your spending habits and then learn to change them in order to improve your financial health.
Practical Money Skills
Visa: Practical Money Skills: Financial Literacy for Grades 9 12
A financial literacy curriculum which features engaging design, student-centered activities, research projects, discussion points, and tools and resources. These lessons are designed to engage students in learning the personal finance...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: I Owe, I Owe, So Off to Work I Go!
Students often attend college and are faced with the mounting debt incurred from student loans. This lesson plan will guide through calculating repayment for students loans, preparing a monthly budget, and researching options for...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Help How Do I Pay for My College Education?
This lesson is designed to guide students through the process of searching for financial aid information by utilizing technology. This lesson contains a financial aid component.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: My Future Life: Let's Get Real
This lesson plan requires students to select a career and explore the requirements for their potential job. They will work with a reality life situation of married versus single, number of children and challenge events. Students will...
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Cfpb: Contrasting Long Term and Short Term Savings Goals
Students learn the difference between short-term and long-term savings goals and apply their knowledge in an exercise-oriented game.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Is an Apr by Better Money Habits
You may have seen the term APR, or annual percentage rate, used in reference to everything from mortgages and auto loans to credit cards. In this piece, we look at credit card APRs which you've probably seen listed on your monthly...