Abcteach: Frases Y Dibujos: Que Significa El Dibujo? Halloween [Pdf]
This is a Spanish language practice quiz where students test their reading comprehension by selecting the correct phrase that accompanies a small color drawing of a Halloween scene.
Abcteach: Frases Y Dibujos: Que Significa El Dibujo? La Diversion [Pdf]
This is a Spanish language practice quiz where students test their reading comprehension by selecting the correct phrase that accompanies a small color drawing of a playground scene.
Abcteach: Frases Y Dibujos: Que Significa El Dibujo? 5 [Pdf]
This is a Spanish language practice quiz where students test their reading comprehension by selecting the correct phrase that accompanies a small color drawing of a scene.
Abcteach: Frases Y Dibujos: Que Significa El Dibujo? 4 [Pdf]
This is a Spanish language practice quiz where students test their reading comprehension by selecting the correct phrase that accompanies a small color drawing.
Class Flow: Phrases With the Word Mouth
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart allows students to choose which English phrase with the word mouth is appropriate for a given sentence. After voting, students can verbally explain what the phrase means. For example, She...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: American Lit and Composition: Transcendentalism: Phrases
This lesson focuses on various types of phrases including: Prepositional, Appositive, Participial, Gerund, and Infinitive. It defines each and provides examples; these are followed by a self-assessment identifying the different types of...
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Center for Writing Studies: Grammar Handbook
Use this handbook to review specific grammar or usage areas, including parts of speech, phrases, clauses, sentence structure, and common usage problems. L.9-10.1 Grammar/Usage, L.11-12.1 Gram/Usage Conventions
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Definitions of Basic Sentence Parts
This site from Capital Community College Foundation provides all the different parts of speech and their definitions. It also shows word functions and their use.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Sentence Subject
Part of larger website devoted to sentence structure, grammar, and writing skills, this tutorial teaches the subject of a sentence--the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing
A treasure of grammar and writing information. Index links broken down to sentence level, paragraph level, and essay level. Site also contains PDF samples of business writing and research papers, PowerPoint presentations, interactive...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Abbreviations
A very competent look at how to use abbreviations in their proper context. This site also examines the proper use of abbreviations with titles, numbers and phrases.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: The Semicolon
What is a semicolon and how do you use it in your writing? Check out this tutorial to learn more about this punctuation mark in English sentence structure.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Recognizing the Function of Phrases
In this quiz, students read the sentence, determine the function of the group of words in all capitals and select the correct answer. Java is required.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Writer's Complex: Grammar Interactive Exercises
This site has an index to interactive exercises testing knowledge of various types of grammar. Some categories offer basic and advanced exercises. Answers are explained.
University College London
University College London: More Phrase Types
This University College London section of a chapter from an online English-grammar book defines and provides examples of different types of phrases, including noun phrases and verb phrases. This site is currently free but may not be in...
University College London
University College London: Phrases
This section of a University College of London online English-grammar book defines and provides examples of adjective phrases, adverb phrases, and prepositional phrases. It also provides an exercise, which can be evaluated and scored, on...
Towson University
Towson University: Online Writing Support: Elements of Sentence Construction
This entry focuses on the Elements of Sentence Construction including subjects and predicates, phrases and clauses, compound sentence elements, and avoiding fragments, run-ons, and fused sentences.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Phrases: Prepositional and Verbal
This site offers links to quizzes/exercises covering Prepositional and Verbal Phrases including participials, gerunds, and infinitives.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: The Infinitive Phrase
This grammar tutorial provides a definition and several examples of infinitive phrases. It also provides instructions for incorporating infinitive phrases into sentences and properlypunctuating them.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: The Prepositional Phrase
Printable information is provided that demonstrates how to identify a prepositional phrase in the context of a sentence.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: The Gerund Phrase
This grammar tutorial for understanding the gerund phrase demonstrates how to use gerund phrases properly in sentences.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Grammar: Phrases
This site provides a general overview on phrases as an essential element of grammar.
The Tongue Untied
University of Oregon the Tongue Untied: Semicolon
Discover more about semicolon usage when you visit this informative resource. Students and teachers will benefit from the examples listed for semicolon use.
Grammarly Blog: Dangling Modifiers
This Grammarly Handbook resource clarifies the topic of dangling modifiers."How to" directions for correcting sentences with dangling modifiers are provided.